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EndNote Basics: Other Features

Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 9:26 AM

Other Commonly Used Features

EndNote has many capabilities, including:

Find Full Text

EndNote does not automatically attach full-text articles. It is also not designed to bring in full-text articles from online databases, even if we have access to them. However, there is a way to try and get full-text articles. You need to adjust your preferences once. Then every time you want to locate full text, you will need to follow a few steps.

Adjusting your preferences (1 time per machine)

  • If you have a PC, go to Edit and then choose Preferences. If you have a Mac, go to EndNote and then choose Preferences.
  • From the menu, click Find Full Text.
  • Make sure all of the checkboxes for the find full-text search options are checked (you do not need to check the box for "Automatically invoke Find Full Text on newly-imported references").
  • Copy and paste this URL into the OpenURL box:
  • Copy and paste this URL into the "Authenticate with URL" box:
  • Apply the changes you made and click OK.

Searching for full text (every time you want full text)

  • Select the references that you would like to find full text for.
  • There is an icon with a magnifying glass and an Adobe symbol inside of it. Click that, or go to References, hover over Find Full Text, and then click Find Full Text.
  • You will be prompted to log in with your UB credentials if you are off-campus.
  • Check on the left to see how successful EndNote has been.
    EndNote Find Fill Text screen shot
  • PDFs that have been found are automatically attached to your references. They will have a paperclip next to them and the PDF will be available as a part of the record in a tab (next to Reference and Preview).

Note: EndNote does not retrieve full text for every reference! That does not mean we do not have access. You can always attach a PDF later. Remember that requesting items from the UB Libraries is free for faculty, staff, and students. Use Delivery+!

Groups, Smart Groups, and Group Sets

The Groups feature allows you to organize your references by project, paper, or topic. 

  1. Create a group by going to Groups and then selecting Create Group.
  2. A folder will appear on the left. You can name it whatever you like.
  3. Select the references you want to add and drag them into the group you want to assign them to.

A reference can be assigned to more than one group. You can remove references from a group without deleting them from your library. Right-click on the reference and select Remove References from Group. If you wish to delete a reference entirely, instead select Move References to Trash.

NOTE: References will stay in the Trash (folder on the left) until the Trash is emptied. Once the Trash is emptied, the references cannot be recovered.

Another grouping option is to use Smart Groups. Smart Groups are groups that are dynamically updated with references that match the search criteria. 

  1. Create a smart group by going to Groups and then selecting Create Smart Group.
  2. Give the smart group a name in the Smart Group Name box. Then enter the search parameters and specify from the drop-down menus the field in which the term(s) should appear (e.g., Title, Author, All Fields, etc.). Click Create
    EndNote Smart Group example screen shot
  3. In the smart group example depicted in the image above, the terms "engineering management" can appear in "Any Field" to be included in the smart group. The smart group will automatically populate as references are added to the EndNote Library.

Group Sets act as labels for groups. Create a group set by going to Groups and then selecting Create Group Set.


If you conduct the same search in more than one place, it is possible that you will have duplicates of some references. Go to Library and then click Find Duplicates. You will see a side-by-side comparison of the duplicate references. Click Keep to maintain a copy of one of the references, The other will automatically be moved to the trash. You also have the option to Skip which means both references will be kept.
EndNote Find Duplicates comparison screen shot

If you do not need to compare each set of references side-by-side, click Cancel. You will see a list of all Duplicate References found, with the duplicate records highlighted. Simply right-click and select Move References to Trash (or press Ctrl + D on your PC keyboard).

EndNote Find Duplicates Results Screen Shot

Journal Term Lists

Depending on the style, you may need to use the journal's full title, or an abbreviated title. You can retrieve these terms by importing a journal term list.

There are term lists for the following areas: Anthropology, Archaeology, Astronomy and Astrophysics, BioScience, Chemical, Economics, Humanities, Korean Medical Terms, Law, Medical, Philosophy, Physics, Religion, and Zoological Records.

  • Go to Library, Open Term Lists, and then choose Journals Term List.
  • If you do not see any existing terms in the list, you are ready for the next step. If you see terms in the list, select them and delete them.
  • Next, go to the Lists tab.
  • Click Import List.
  • Choose the appropriate subject area for your discipline.

You may want to confirm that the output style is pulling the correct name. Go to Tools, Output Styles, and then pick Open Style Manager. Select the style you plan on using and click Edit. Go to Journal Names. If you need to make a change, be sure to save a copy of the modified style.

EndNote for iPad

EndNote also offers an app available for iOS devices. The video below provides an overview of getting started with EndNote for iPad.