Johnson & Phillips, Legal Research Exercises Following The Bluebook, 11th ed. KF 240 C53815 2011 (Ref)
Herskowitz, Legal Research Made Easy, 4th ed. KF 240 H47 2005
McCully, Robinson, The Legal Research Workbook KF 240 M33 1996
McKinney, Legal Research: A Practical Guide & Self Instructional Workbook, 5th ed. KF240 .M35 2008
Murray & DeSanctis, Legal research and writing across the curriculum : problems and exercises | KF240 .M872 2009 (Ref)
Noyes & Lindfors, Legal research scavenger hunt workbook : North Central Region (includes general and federal resources) KF240 .N6968 2010 (Ref)
Sloan & Schwinn, Basic legal research workbook Rev. 3rd ed. KF240 .S662 2010 (Study Aids)
Barkan, Bintliff, Whisner, Fundamentals of Legal Research, 10th ed. KF240 .P65 2015 (Ref Desk)
Kent C. Olson, Legal Information : How to Find It, How to Use It 31 (1999).
This guide is meant to provide resources you may find helpful when learning how to research efficiently. The Law Librarians are a great resource as well, so feel free to stop by the Reference desk for help!
Adelman, New York Legal Research 4th ed. KFN5074 .A34 2020 (Law Library General Collection, Reference, Ref Desk, Reserve, & NY Alcove) New York Legal Research 4th ed. is also available online in the LexisNexis Digital Library.
Manz, Gibson’s New York Legal Research Guide, 4thed. KFN 5074 G53 2014 (Law Library General Collection, Reference, Ref Desk, Reserve, & NY Alcove)
Hazelton, Beard, Specialized Legal Research (looseleaf) F240 .S69 2014 (Ref Desk)
Arranged by subject
Corbin, Find the Law in the Library, 1989 KF 240 C63 1989 (Ref)
Arranged by subject: Marriage, Business, Tort, etc.
Gardner, Stewart, Worsham, Tax Research Techniques, 8th ed. KF 241 T38 S55 2008 (Ref)
Garvin, Real World Research Skills ZA 5110 G37 2006 (Ref)
A resource for finding federal government information.
Goehlert, Martin, Congress and Law-Making: Researching the Legislative Process, 2nd ed. KF 240 G63 1989 (Ref)
Karlin, Tax Research, 4th ed. KF 241 T38 K37 2009 (Ref)
Rehberg, Popa, Accidental Tourist on the New Frontier: A Introductory Guide to Global Legal Research K 85 A27 1998 (Also Ref)
Richmond, Federal Tax Research, 8th ed. KF 241 T38 R5 2010 (Also Ref, Ref Desk)
Algero, Mary Garvey, Federal Legal Research KF240 .F48 2014