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MPH Research Guidance for Writing Papers: Limiting to Peer Reviewed articles

Last Updated: Jun 26, 2024 10:18 AM

Peer reviewed Articles

Peer reviewed articles are generally:

  • Written by experts in the field
  • Published in scholarly research journals rather than magazines or trade papers
  • Also known as scholarly or refereed or juried publications
  • Sent by the editor to other experts who will review the manuscript and make suggestions to improve the article

Is it peer reviewed?

  • Use database filters (if available)
  • Check on the journal website
  • Check in Ulrichsweb
  • Contact Michelle Zafron – contact information is on the right

Databases and peer review

  • APA PsycInfo:
  • Either make sure you select “Peer Reviewed” when you first get to the database OR
  • After doing your search, click “show more” on the left hand side and then select “Peer Reviewed” from the next screen:

Screen shot (too small to make out)

Screen shot showing Peer Reviewed highlighted

  • Ulrichsweb
    • This is a database of periodicals. Type in the name of the journal and look for the “referred" symbol.

Screenshot showing a title search


Profile Photo
Michelle Zafron
Schedule Appointment
Abbott Library
109 Abbott Hall, South Campus