Web of Science Core Collection
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2023 4:15 PM
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- Web of Science Core Collection This link opens in a new windowMulti-disciplinary citation indexes covering journals, book chapters, and conference papers. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
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The Web of Science Core Collections (WOSCC) is a collection of multidisciplinary citations and two smaller chemical databases. WOSCC covers articles from over 14,000 journals, conference papers from over 205,000 proceedings, book chapters from over 104,000 books, and chemical substances and reactions. An additional 7,800 journals from developing countries are covered in the new Emerging Sources Citation Index.
Links to the full-text are provided, where available. In addition to standard author and organizational affiliations, keywords, titles, and publication names, it has one of the largest citation databases available that permits retrieval of citing (newer articles) and cited (older articles in the reference list) items for a given paper or group of papers.
The component databases, all of which can be searched in a single pass or selected in any combination, are:
- Science Citation Index Expanded (1945+)
- Social Sciences Citation Index (1956+)
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975+)
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (2015+)
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Science and Social Sciences & Humanities) (2008+)
- Book Citation Index (Science and Social Sciences & Humanities) (2005+)
- Current Chemical Reactions (1986+) & Index Chemicus (1993+)
Because the information about each work includes the item's cited reference list (i.e., the bibliography), you can also search the databases for other works that cite a particular author or work. When one has found some key, older articles, retrieving papers that cite those key articles (citing papers) is an excellent way to see what more recent research has been done. Searching for cited references and citing papers often locate relevant items that cannot be found through traditional searching techniques using author and keyword searching because the citation process is a completely different process.
In many cases, patrons will be better served by searching the entire Web of Science platform (yes, the branding is confusing) which includes all Web of Science Core Collection database plus MEDLINE, BIOSIS Citation Index, a patent database, and a number of other excellent sources. However, we recommend searching only the Web of Science Core Collection when doing citation/tenure metrics analyses and certain advanced search features specific to the WOSCC. One reason for using WOSCC for citation metrics is that it is one of the few major databases that include all authors and all of their affiliations. Nearly all other databases provide an address only for the lead or contact author.
Advanced search features are accessed by clicking the tabs above the search area and include:
- Under the "Documents" tab:
- Cited Reference Searching (searching by cited author or cited work, among other options)
- Structure Searching (includes structure drawing or compound searching options)
- NOTE: SciFinder-n is also an important database for chemical information searching.
- Under the "Researchers" tab:
- Search by author name and affiliation
For more information, see the WOSCC tutorial page giving links to both live training and recorded videos as well as the Quick Reference Guide.
Dates Covered
As far back as 1945. See description section above for the starting date for each component database of the Core Collection.
Print Counterpart
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Library Annex
CALL NUMBER: Z 5937 .A795, 1975-1998
Science Citation Index
Library Annex: Per Q1.C5 1961, 1964-1991
HEALTH SCIENCES Mezzanine Index Coll, 1961-1964, 1966-1969, 1985-1998
Social Sciences Citation Index
Lockwood Ref (Index Area)
CALL NUMBER: Z 7161 .S8, 1956-1998
Related Databases
- Web of Science This link opens in a new window
- SciFinder-n This link opens in a new window
See also each individual component database listed above in the description section.
Engineering Librarian

University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260