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Newspaper Research: UB Campus Newspapers

Last Updated: Nov 19, 2024 11:22 AM

UB Newspapers, Magazines and other Periodicals

A wide variety of University at Buffalo newspapers, magazines and other periodicals are kept by the University Archives.  A number of them are listed below.  To locate other titles, please search the UB Libraries Catalog.  Some subject heading searches to try:

  • College student newspapers and periodicals--New York (State)--Buffalo
  • Universities and colleges--New York (State)--Buffalo--Periodicals

For more information, contact the University Archives using the Reference Request Form or by calling 716-645-2916.  The University Archives is located in Special Collections on the 4th floor of Capen Hall inside the Silverman Library.  For directions and parking information, please contact the University Archives.

UB Publications

University-wide Student Newspapers

The Spectrum.  Published since 1950, the Spectrum is the University at Buffalo's student newspaper.  

  • Current print issues of the Spectrum are available in the University Archives and the Lockwood Library Newspapers Area.
  • Recent articles published by the Spectrum can be found online.
  • Past issues of the Spectrum can be found in print in the University Archives.  Digital versions of past issues are available in the UB Libraries Digital Collections (1950-1986) and on the New York Historic Newspapers website as three different titles:
  • In 1950, the Spectrum's predecessors the Bee (1921-1950) and the Argus (1947-1950) merged.  Both are available in print in the University Archives.  They are also available online through the UB Libraries Digital Collections and New York Historic Newspapers as 
    • The Bee.  A general student newspaper.
    • The Argus.  A student newspaper intended to be more socially conscious than the Bee.
  • Ethos (1968-1978) was a student newspaper intended to reflect the philosophy of the student body and provide a more conservative alternative to the Spectrum.  Ethos is currently available in print-only in the University Archives.


The University Newspaper

UBNow is the University at Buffalo's online newspaper.  Its predecessor, the Reporter, began publication on January 22, 1970.  Issues of the Reporter can be found in print in the University Archives and online through the University Libraries Digital Collections.

UB's magazines, newsletters and other periodicals provide information about the schools, departments and offices that produce them.  They highlight the activities of students, faculty and staff, and later become a source of historical information.  The University Archives collects and preserves these publications both in print and digitally.  The following is a list of just some of them.  

Schools and Divisions

Title Publisher Dates
At Buffalo The Alumni Association and University Advancement 2014-
Buffalo Business The School of Management 1999-
Buffalo Engineer The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1995-
Buffalo Pharmacy Magazine The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018-
Health Impact The School of Public Health and Health Professions 2006-
Learn The Graduate School of Education 2020-
Mosaics The School of Social Work 2006-
UB Dentist The School of Dental Medicine 2006-
UB Libraries Today The University Libraries 2010-
UB Medicine The Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 2013-
UB Nursing The School of Nursing 2008-

Departments, Centers and Organizations

Title Publisher Dates
Asian Studies Newsletter The Asian Studies Program 2017-2019
The Baldy Center Magazine The Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy 2020-
BioNews The Department of Biological Sciences 1999-2011
The Compass The Department of Geography 2005-2019
EEH News The Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health 2003-2018
FACETS The Department of Materials Design and Innovation 2020-2021
Interactions The Department of Physics 2008-2019
PsychList The Department of Psychiatry 2019-
The Pulse The Department of Political Science 2013-
UB COMmunity  The Department of Communications 2015-2017
UB International The Office of International Education 2012-2021
Women's Club Newsletter The Women's Club of the University at Buffalo 1967-

Student magazines, newsletters and yearbooks focus on student life and the issues that are important to UB's students.  The following is a small sample of the student periodicals found in the University Archives.  

Student Magazines and Newsletters

Title Description Dates
At Ease Monthly publication of the 23rd College Training Detachment 1944-
Bison A "wit and humor" magazine for students  1920-1941
Black Student Union Numerous publications of the Black Student Union 1967-
Gay Images Publication of the Gay Liberation Front 1978-
Generation A weekly magazine published by Sub-Board I, Inc. 1984-2009
Graduate Quill Graduate student magazine published by the Graduate Student Union 1991-
Native American Peoples Alliance News Newsletter of the Native American Peoples Alliance 1984-
Opinion Student newspaper of the Law School 1949-
Renew Newman Newsletter of the UB Newman Center 1985-
SPCC Newsletter Publication of the Student Polish Culture Club 1971-
Telos Bi-yearly publication of the Graduate Philosophy Association 1968-
Third World Newsletter Publication of the Third World Student Association 1977-
UB Fraternities and Sororities A guide to Greek life at UB 1986


Title Description Dates
Iris The university yearbook 1898-1932
Buffalonian The university yearbook 1934-2001
Medentian The yearbook of the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry 1935-1975
Iris The yearbook of the School of Medicine 1976-
Kranteras The yearbook of the School of Dentistry 1976-1986
Continuum The yearbook of the School of Dentistry 1987-
Signa The yearbook of the School of Pharmacy 1977-
Advocate The yearbook of the Law School 1953

William Offhaus

Profile Photo
William Offhaus
420 Capen Hall