PUB 315 Asking and Answering Scientific Questions in Public Health: Finding Full Text
Finding Full Text
When full text does not appear to be available you may see links to where it can be found in other databases.
This should take you directly to the article.
If we do not have access to the article, you will see an option for Delivery+, our free document delivery service.
- OneSearchPaste the title of the article into the search to easily locate full text.
OneSearch provides a Google-like experience, allowing researchers to use one search box to discover reliable library content. - Delivery+All journal articles and book chapters delivered electronically. Physical items retrieved from any library and made available for pick-up at the UB libraries. This is a free service for students, faculty & staff.
- LibKey NomadBrowser extension. Install for easier, more seamless full-text access in PubMed, publisher pages, and more.
Go to the Chrome extension store and install LibKey Nomad. Once installed, select University at Buffalo - SUNY from the list of institutions. - PubMed CentralPubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
- Google ScholarGoogle's attempt to index the scholarly web