The Folger Shakespeare LibraryThe collections focus on British and European literary, cultural, political, religious, and social history from the fifteenth through the eighteenth centuries, with particular strength in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Contains one of the largest collections of STC (1475-1640) and WING (1641-1700) books in the world, with about 55,000 volumes, including broadsides. The Shakespeare Collection contains 229 Quarto editions of the plays and poems, 79 copies of the First Folio, 118 copies of the Second, Third, and Fourth Folios, and about 7,000 other editions of Shakespeare's works, from the Rowe 1709 to the latest editions. (The Folio editions are available full text online: Editions and Adaptations of Shakespeare (1591-1911) and The First Folio of Shakespeare.)