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Chemistry: Databases & Journals

Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 12:13 PM

On this Page

  1. Databases & Journals
  2. ACS eBooks
  3. Reading Scientific Literature
  4. Links to JACS, Nature, and Chemical & Engineering News
  5. Other Chemistry Resources @ UB

Databases & Journals

Cook UB Chemistry sketch


The most frequently used chemistry databases are listed below. Use databases to find journals, peer-reviewed articles, substances, syntheses, properties, conference proceedings, patents, technical reports and other publications. 


If you are unsure of where to start, contact your librarian (Amanda McCormick)


Image created by Department of Chemistry Professor Tim Cook


Review Journals

Review journals provide articles that summarize current research and are a great introduction to a new topic. In Chemistry, try the Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, or Annual Review of Biochemistry. 

  • ACS Chemical Reviews 

    The mission of Chemical Reviews is to provide comprehensive, authoritative, critical, and readable reviews of important recent research in organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, theoretical, and biological chemistry. In addition to the general reviews, the journal has published since 1985 periodic thematic issues focusing on a single theme or direction of emerging research.

ACS eBooks

Chemistry Resources @ UB


Examples of how to cite to different resources (e.g., articles, books, websites) in ACS style. 

Comprehensive guide to citing in APA, MLA and Chicago citation styles. 

Scientific Literature

These blog posts provide a quick and solid overview of scientific literature. 

This article teaches a logical and orderly approach to reading a scientific publication. 

In this Science column, researchers share their tips and tricks for reading scientific articles.

Science & Chemistry News


Read the current issue of JACS 

Volume 583 Issue 7814


Read the current issue NATURE

Cover of Chemical & Engineering News


Read the current issue of CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS

Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Fred Stoss
105 Lockwood Memorial Library