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Banking and Finance Law: Find News

Last Updated: May 21, 2024 2:59 PM

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  • Factiva
    The Wall Street Journal…  read it every day for free (click on "News Pages")!  The WSJ is available back 1987 in Factiva, our primary business source for current and historical news articles.
  • Other publications in Factiva include: Barrons, The Economist, Investment Dealers Digest, Institutional Investor, Investors Business Daily, many more.
  • Law360 (access in UB Law Library)
  • LexisNexis  (for law students)
  • Westlaw  (for law students)
  • Westlaw Campus Research (UB database)


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Law Reference Librarians
Charles B. Sears Law Library
O'Brian Hall (North Campus)
SUNY Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260