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Biological Sciences: U.S. Gov't Resources

Resource Guide to UB Resources in the Biological Sciences
Last Updated: May 28, 2024 9:57 AM

On this Page

  1. Information by Government Agency 
  3. PubChem

U.S. Government Resources

Search below for: 

U.S. Department of Commerce - NIST

U.S. Department of Energy - OSTI


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

U.S. Department of Defense 

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Department of Commerce

U.S. Department of Commerce - NIST 

Physical Reference Data

This extensive data collection contains the following resources: Elemental Data Index | Periodic Table: Atomic Properties of the Elements | Physical Constants | Atomic Spectroscopy Data |  Molecular Spectroscopy Data | Atomic and Molecular Data | X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Data | Radiation Dosimetry Data | Nuclear Physics Data | Condensed Matter Physics Data | Other NIST Data 

National Technical Reports Library

Database of U.S. Government sponsored technical reports

Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 

Chemistry WebBook


Department of Energy

U.S. Department of Energy


OSTI.GOV is the primary search tool for Department of Energy (DOE) funded science, technology, and engineering research and development (R&D) results. The OSTI.GOV search tool offers access to an array of R&D results including resource types such as journal articles, technical reports, data, software, patents, conference papers, and more. 

Other OSTI tools:


National Aeronautics and Space Administration



NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) provides access to aerospace-related citations, full-text online documents, images, and videos. The types of information included are: conference papers, journal articles, meeting papers, patents, research reports, images, movies, and technical videos – scientific and technical information (STI) created or funded by NASA.


Department of Health & Human Services |

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


PubMed® comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.


Defense Technical Information Center

U.S. Department of Defense

Defense Technical Information Center 

PubDefense (peer-reviewed scholarly publications); technical reports; grant awards; budget data; innovation marketplace; corporate source authority system search; thesaurus; conference proceedings 


Environmental Protection Agency


Toxics Release Inventory Program 

The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a resource for learning about toxic chemical releases and pollution prevention activities reported by industrial and federal facilities.



Comprehensive Search


The U.S. government's information portal.

Start at for a broad search of agency holdings.



PubChem is an open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). “Open” means that you can put your scientific data in PubChem and that others may use it. Since the launch in 2004, PubChem has become a key chemical information resource for scientists, students, and the general public.

PubChem mostly contains small molecules, but also larger molecules such as nucleotides, carbohydrates, lipids, peptides, and chemically-modified macromolecules.  PubChem collects information on chemical structures, identifiers, chemical and physical properties, biological activities, patents, health, safety, toxicity data, and many others.

Where does the data in PubChem come from? PubChem records are contributed by hundreds of data sources. Examples include: government agencieschemical vendorsjournal publishers, and more.