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Biological Sciences: Books, E-Books & Encyclopedias

Resource Guide to UB Resources in the Biological Sciences
Last Updated: May 28, 2024 9:57 AM

On this Page

  1. Books
  2. E-Books
  3. Encyclopedias, Handbooks & Dictionaries
  4. New Resources & Books


Biology books may be found at the Lockwood Library on North Campus. They are arranged by call number and divided into categories. Look for the letters QH-QR on the spine of the book. The Q section of books are located on Lockwood 3. These books may be borrowed from the library. 

QH: Natural History/Biology

QK: Botany

QL: Zoology

QM: Anatomy

QP: Physiology

QR: Microbiology

Additionally, we have a collection of reference books. The reference books for Science & Engineering are located on Lockwood 1, also found by looking for the call number QH-QR.  These books must stay at the library, but you are welcome to use them whenever the library is open. 

If you need additional assistance, please contact me. You may also visit our Reference Desk on Lockwood 2 or, if that is closed, use the UB Libraries' chat service.


Search the catalog ( and/or check out the below collections: 

Encyclopedias, Handbooks & Dictionaries

This is a listing of online references, which are generally more current than physical resources. 

If you would like to browse a physical book, please visit the Reference Collection, located on Lockwood 1

An up-to-date, comprehensive yet compact source of biochemical and molecular biological data containing more than 4,500 entries and over 1,000 figures, formulas and tables. The ideal reference book for the researcher, teacher and student. 

Encompasses all aspects of aging, covering a variety of disciplines including biology, medicine, economics, law psychology, sociology and history, and also explores related issues such as religion, spirituality, and ethics. Also provides a topical outline, primary source documents, addresses, and Web sites. 4 volumes.

Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology is the definitive go-to reference in the field of evolutionary biology. It provides a fully comprehensive review of the field in an easy to search structure. 

The book provides definitions and often explanations of over 1000 words, phrases and concepts relating to this fast-moving and exciting field, offering a convenient, one-stop summary of the core knowledge in the area. 

Covering a wealth of topics on the ethics of health professions, animal research, population control and the environment, this title helps researchers to consider the impact of new scientific knowledge and its potential to harm or benefit present and future generations.

An up-to-date, comprehensive yet compact source of biochemical and molecular biological data containing more than 4,500 entries and over 1,000 figures, formulas and tables. The ideal reference book for the researcher, teacher and student. 

Encompasses all aspects of aging, covering a variety of disciplines including biology, medicine, economics, law psychology, sociology and history, and also explores related issues such as religion, spirituality, and ethics. Also provides a topical outline, primary source documents, addresses, and Web sites. 4 volumes.

The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Biology is a collection of articles written especially to give the reader an introduction to one of the most vibrant areas of scholarship today, and at the same time to move the subject forward. 

This updated book includes 1471 new definitions, 5,236 revised or updated definitions, a new Chemical Abstract Number index, and an update of all trademarks; and significant expansion of both chemical and biochemical terms including the addition of biochemical terms in the emerging fields in biology and biological engineering such as synthetic biology, highlighting the merging of the sciences of chemistry and biology.

New Resources & Books