Buddhism: Online Resources

Above: Three plaster heads of the Buddha from Hadda, Afghanistan, ca. 4th-3rd c. BCE, showing the strong influence of Greek art in the region.
Image source: Wikimedia Commons. Image author: sailko. Image license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
- Buddhist Publication Society (BPS)English-language Theravada Buddhist publishing group based in Sri Lanka, responsible for the respected and long-running Wheel and Bodhi Leaf series of pamphlets, all of which are now available for free online at this site among other resources:
- Buddhist Text Translation Society (BTTS)The BTTS is dedicated to making the principles of the Buddha's teaching in the Mahayana tradition available to Western readers in a form that can be directly applied to practice.
- Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK) America: Society for the Promotion of BuddhismAn independent U.S. nonprofit corporation founded in 1978 as the first overseas affiliate of BDK in Japan, the mission of which is to share the Dharma for greater understanding and to foster world peace. Publishers of the respected BDK English Tripitaka series, much of which is available for free download in PDF format.
- The Clay Sanskrit LibraryThe Clay Sanskrit Library is a series of books covering a wide spectrum of Classical Sanskrit literature spanning two millennia. Elegantly bound in a convenient pocket size, each work features the original Sanskrit text in transliterated Roman letters on the left-hand page with its English translation on the facing page.
- Indica et Buddhica (IeB)IeB publishes monographs, critical editions, proceedings and edited volumes in classical Indian and Buddhist studies.
- Library of Tibetan ClassicsA small but substantial and growing collection of key Tibetan texts in translation published by Simon & Schuster.
- Murty Classical Library of IndiaTo present the greatest literary works of India from the past two millennia to the largest readership in the world is the mission of the Murty Classical Library of India. The series aims to reintroduce these works, a part of world literature’s treasured heritage, to a new generation.
- Numata Center for Buddhist Studies: Hamburg Buddhist Studies SeriesBuddhism has enjoyed a prominent place in the study of Asian religious ideas at Hamburg University for almost 100 years. With the publication series Hamburg Buddhist Studies the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies aims to honor Hamburg's long-standing commitment to research on Buddhism and share the results of this tradition with the community of scholars and the wider public. The volumes will be available in book form and online, published by Hamburg University Press and Projektverlag.
- Pali Text Society (PTS)Founded in 1881 by T.W. Rhys Davids "to foster and promote the study of Pāli texts". It publishes Pāli texts in Roman characters, translations in English and ancillary works including dictionaries, a concordance, books for students of Pāli and a journal.
- Parallax PressParallax Press is a nonprofit publisher founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, publishing books and media on the art of mindful living and Engaged Buddhism.
- Shambhala PublicationsAn independent company, founded in 1969 and based in Colorado, focused on publishing original and scholarly works deriving chiefly from Buddhism but also from a variety of other meditative and contemplative spiritual traditions.
- University of Hawai'i PressOne of the most respected publishers of American, Asian, Hawaiian, and Pacific studies titles in the world. Among other offerings, the Press publishes a number of monograph series which rank among the most important and substantial ongoing contributions to Buddhist scholarly literature in English.
- Windhorse PublicationsA Buddhist charitable company based in the UK, publishing accessible and relevant books of high quality for all those interested in Buddhism at whatever level.
- Wisdom PublicationsWisdom Publications is the leading English-language publisher of books, podcasts, and online courses on contemporary and classic Buddhism, mindfulness, and meditation.

Above: A thangka or Tibetan scroll painting depicting the Buddha flanked by two monks and surrounded by dragons.
Image source: Wikimedia Commons. Image author: Wellcome Images. Image license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
Digital Libraries & Digital Humanities
- Access to Insight (ATI): Readings in Theravada BuddhismDedicated to providing accurate, reliable, and useful information concerning the practice and study of Theravada Buddhism, as it has been handed down through both the written word of the Pali canon and the living example of the Sangha.
- Ancient Buddhist TextsA large collection of materials from the early and medieval Buddhist tradition assembled by a Theravada monk and comprising: texts in Pali and Sanskrit; translations in English; studies of grammar, prosody and compilation; maps, reference works and audio files.
- BuddhaNet / World Buddhist DirectoryBuddhaNet is a not-for-profit organization affiliated with the Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc, which was first established as a Vipassana Meditation Centre in 1992 in Sydney by the Australian monk Ven. Pannyavaro.
- BuddhaSasanaA significant collection of suttas in translation as well as articles and essays by monks and scholars, chiefly centered on the Vietnamese Theravada perspective.
- Buddhist Digital Resource Center (BDRC)A nonprofit organization dedicated to seeking out, preserving, organizing, and disseminating Buddhist literature.
- Critical Pali DictionaryMaintained by the Data Center for the Humanities at the University of Cologne in cooperation with the Pali Text Society.
- DhammaTalks.orgThis site offers an extensive collection of English translations of suttas from the Pali Canon, as well as a multitude of free downloads of Dhamma from the Kammatthana (or Thai Forest) Tradition of Buddhism.
- Digital Dictionary of BuddhismA compilation of Chinese ideograph-based terms, texts, temple, schools, persons, etc. found in Buddhist canonical sources. (Institutional subscription only)
- Jātaka StoriesA free online searchable database of jātakas (stories of the Buddha's past lives) in Indian texts and art. In later phases we hope to expand the resource to include jātaka literature and art from other parts of Asia. You can browse stories by textual collection or artistic site, or explore clusters of connected stories that cross between texts and visual depictions.
- Lotsawa HouseLotsawa House is a virtual library of translations from Tibetan, including works by Indian Buddhist masters preserved in the Tibetan language. Since its launch in 2004, the site has grown into a large repository containing more than 1000 texts in nine different languages, including the original sources.
- Myanmar Manuscript Digital LibraryThis archive, hosted by the University of Toronto and supported by Robarts Library, aims at bringing together and making manuscripts and rare print editions available online from individual libraries throughout Myanmar. It is the platform for an ongoing digitizing project, initiated and conducted by William Pruitt and an international team of Myanmar and Pali scholars, and supported, since 2012, by the Pali Text Society, as well as many other stakeholders.
- Pali-English Dictionary (Digital Dictionaries of South Asia)An online, fully searchable version of T. W. Rhys Davids and William Stede's seminal, concise, one-volume dictionary, originally published 1921-5, which contains 160,000 citations from the Buddhist scriptures and other early works, and gives brief etymologies. Entirely in Latin script.
- Pali TipitakaThis web site is based on the Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyana CD published by the Vipassana Research Institute.
- Sadhu! Theravada Web DirectorySadhu! is a Yahoo!-like searchable web directory with links to Theravada Buddhism websites and material. It was created in 1998 by a group of volunteers from Malaysia, and was maintained by them until 2001; since 2003 the site has been maintained by Dmytro Ivakhnenko (Kyiv, Ukraine).
- SuttaCentralSuttaCentral contains early Buddhist texts, known as the Tipiṭaka or “Three Baskets”. This is a large collection of teachings attributed to the Buddha or his earliest disciples and is regarded as sacred canon in all schools of Buddhism.
- The Tibetan and Himalayan Library (THL)A publisher of websites, information services, and networking facilities relating to the Tibetan plateau and southern Himalayan regions.
- Der Pali Kanon des Theravada-Buddhismus (in German)A large collection of online texts from the Pali Canon, both in Pali and in German translation, including much of the Tipitaka and a number of reference and scholarly books. The interface is likewise in German.
- The Treasury of LivesA biographical encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalayan region. The Treasury provides accessible and well-researched biographies of a wide range of figures, from Buddhist masters to artists and political officials; most essays are peer reviewed.
- 84000: Translating the Words of the BuddhaA global non-profit initiative to translate all of the Buddha’s words into modern languages, and to make them available to everyone. 84000 is both a translation body and an online publication house.

Above: A segment of the Yuan-era (14th c. CE) scroll The Deeds of the Zen Masters by Indara (Yin Tuo Luo) depicting the monk Tanka burning statues of the Buddha.
Image source: Wikimedia Commons. Image author: Anonymous. Image license: Public domain.
Relevant UB Research Guides
Scholarly Journals
- Asian PhilosophyAn international journal concerned with such philosophical traditions as Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Buddhist and Islamic, in order to bring these rich and varied traditions to a worldwide academic audience.
- Buddhism, Law & SocietyThe first interdisciplinary academic journal to focus on Buddhist law and the relationship between Buddhism, law, and society. Buddhism and its many social and legal manifestations are a central area of interest for the journal, as are the state’s legal relations to Buddhist actors, institutions and texts.
- Buddhist-Christian StudiesA scholarly journal devoted to Buddhism and Christianity and their historical and contemporary interrelationships. The journal presents thoughtful articles, conference reports, and book reviews and includes sections on comparative methodology and historical comparisons.
- The Buddhist ForumFirst published by the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London, and then by the Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS), this series made public research initially presented as part the series of seminars hosted by SOAS between 1987 and 1997, also known as the Buddhist Forum. The IBS presents electronic reproductions of all six volumes as an open access resource here.
- Buddhist Studies ReviewPublish quality, peer-reviewed articles on any aspect of Buddhism, covering the different cultural areas where Buddhism exists or has existed; historical and contemporary aspects; theoretical, practical and methodological issues; textual, linguistic, archaeological and art-historical studies, and different disciplinary approaches to the subject.
- Canadian Journal of Buddhist StudiesA scholarly, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication covering all aspects of Buddhist studies. Publishes articles from scholars in multiple disciplines, including, but not limited to: anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, history and religious studies.
- Comparative PhilosophyA peer-reviewed, open-access, international journal of philosophy, with emphasis on the constructive engagement of distinct approaches to philosophical issues, problems, themes from different philosophical traditions, as well as on general theory and methodology of comparative philosophy.
- Contemporary BuddhismAn international, Thomson Reuters-indexed journal that publishes cross-disciplinary articles on the current state and influence of Buddhism.
- Dao: A Journal of Comparative PhilosophyDedicated to publishing quality, peer-reviewed articles and reviews of books in Chinese philosophy, particularly those relating Chinese philosophy to other philosophical traditions in the world.
- The Eastern BuddhistCarries articles on all aspects of Buddhism as well as English translations of classical Buddhist texts and works by modern Buddhist thinkers.
- The Indian International Journal of Buddhist StudiesPublishes scholarly contributions in Hindi and English pertaining to Buddhist Studies in various disciplines such as anthropology, archaeology, art, history, philology, philosophy, politics, psychology, sociology etc. as well as those dealing with texts and translations.
- International Journal for Philosophy of ReligionProvides a medium for the exposition, development, and criticism of important philosophical insights and theories relevant to religion in any of its varied forms. It also provides a forum for critical, constructive, and interpretative consideration of religion from an objective philosophical point of view.
- Japanese Journal of Religious StudiesA semi-annual, open-access journal dedicated to the academic study of Japanese religions, publishing articles and materials that advance interreligious understanding and furthers the pursuit of knowledge in the study of religions, particularly those of Japan.
- Japanese ReligionsPublished by the NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions, this journal makes the results of research at the center internationally available. Provides scholarly articles on religions in Japan, past and present (including current issues of debate), and on such basis to encourage interreligious dialogue between Christianity and Asian religions.
- Journal of Buddhist EthicsInterprets “ethics” in a broad sense as including: Vinaya and jurisprudence; medical ethics; philosophical ethics; human rights; ethics and psychology; ecology, animals, and the environment; social and political philosophy; cross-cultural ethics; ethics and anthropology; and interfaith dialogue.
- Journal of Buddhist PhilosophyProvides a forum for the academic discussion of Buddhist philosophy. Articles engage with buddhology, comparative philosophy, and Buddhist critical reflection, highlighting discussions of concepts and arguments.
- Journal of Chan Buddhism: East Asian and Global PerspectivesThe peer-reviewed Journal of Chan Buddhism: East Asian and Global Perspectives is the first of its kind in English to specifically present academic research about Chinese Chan, Korean Sŏn, Vietnamese Thìên, and Japanese Zen Buddhism.
- Journal of Chinese Buddhist StudiesAn open-access scholarly journal dedicated to the historical study of Chinese Buddhism in the premodern and modern periods, promoting the academic study of all aspects of Buddhist thought, practice, social, and institutional life in China, including historical interactions with Buddhist developments in South, East, and Central Asia.
- Journal of Chinese PhilosophyDevoted to the scholarly and creative study of Chinese philosophy and Chinese thought in all phases and stages of articulation and development.
- Journal of Continental and Comparative PhilosophyA peer-reviewed academic journal that appears tri-annually and publishes leading edge papers by internationally respected scholars in Comparative and Continental philosophy. Accessible to a wide range of readers from various disciplines such as philosophy, religion, art history, comparative literature, critical theory, phenomenological psychology, and cultural theory.
- Journal of Global BuddhismAn open-access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal established to promote the study of the globalization of Buddhism, both historical and contemporary, and its transnational and transcontinental interrelatedness.
- Journal of Indian and Buddhist StudiesPublished twice annually by the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies to present the results of research by its members.
- Journal of the International Association of Buddhist StudiesPublishes scholarly contributions in all areas of Buddhist Studies, as long as they are based on research on primary sources, including anthropological, archaeological and art-historical.
- Journal of the International Association of Tibetan StudiesAn online, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal which serves as the official publication of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (IATS). All scholars of Tibet, whether members of IATS or not, are welcome to submit work for publication in JIATS.
- Journal of Japanese PhilosophyThe first international, peer-reviewed journal of Japanese philosophy, serving to both develop these traditions of thought and enhance worldwide awareness of them and the resources they offer.
- Journal of Japanese StudiesA multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary forum for communicating new information, interpretations, and research on Japan.
- Journal of Korean ReligionsThe only English-language academic journal dedicated to the study of Korean religions. The publication aims to stimulate interest in and research on Korean religions across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
- Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist StudiesPublishes any article which enhances knowledge and/or understanding of any aspect of Buddhism. Gives preference to articles which are accessible to non-specialists.
- Journal of the Pali Text SocietyThe Society was founded in 1881 by T.W. Rhys Davids "to foster and promote the study of Pali texts". It publishes Pali texts in roman characters, translations in English and ancillary works including dictionaries, a concordance, books for students of Pali and this journal.
- Journal of Religion in JapanA peer-reviewed venue for academic research in the complex and multifaceted field of Japanese religion. Takes into consideration Japanese religious phenomena through their historical developments and contemporary evolution both within and outside of Japan.
- Journal of Tibetan LiteratureA biannual, peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to publishing research, translation, and criticism on Tibetan-language texts from the origin of the written language to the present. The JTL encourages an exploration of the literary in Tibetan writing from a wide range of methodological and theoretical perspectives.
- Monumenta NipponicaOne of the oldest English-language academic journals in the field of Asian studies. As a peer-reviewed international forum for researchers across the globe, it carries original scholarly contributions on premodern and modern history, literature, art history, religion, thought, and society; translations of important Japanese literary and historical sources; and authoritative reviews of recent books on Japan.
- Pacific WorldAn annual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal in English devoted to the dissemination of historical, textual, critical and interpretive studies on Buddhism generally and Jodo Shinshu Buddhism particularly to both academic and lay readerships.
- Religious Studies in JapanAn online peer-reviewed journal edited and published by the Japanese Association for Religious Studies.
- Udaya: Journal of Khmer StudiesProvides a forum and a vehicle for renewal in Khmer Studies – a renewal which cannot be entirely isolated from the political, social and economic aspects of a larger transformation ongoing in Cambodia. Rather than taking an ahistorical universalist approach to the domain, Udaya is engaged in the lives and times of its “subject.”
- Tricycle: The Buddhist ReviewThe first magazine intended to present Buddhist perspectives to a Western readership. Tricycle has become the leading independent journal of Buddhism in the West, where it continues to be the most inclusive and widely read vehicle for the dissemination of Buddhist views and values.
- Lion's Roar: Buddhist Wisdom for Our TimeLion’s Roar is an independent non-profit foundation whose mission is to communicate Buddhist wisdom and practices in order to benefit people’s lives and our society, and to support the development of Buddhism in the modern world.
- Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's QuarterlyBuddhadharma is the one journal for serious practitioners of all Buddhist schools. It’s where you can deepen your practice, expand your knowledge of Buddhism, learn from other traditions, and connect with fellow practitioners to address all the important issues facing Buddhism today.
- American Institute of Buddhist Studies at Columbia UniversityThe American Institute of Buddhist Studies was founded in 1972 with the ambitious mandate to translate and publish the originally Indian Buddhist artistic, scientific, and religious works collected in the Tibetan Tengyur (bstan 'gyur).
- Barre Center for Buddhist Studies (BCBS)Offers the integration of study and practice in exploring the many streams of teaching and expression that flow from the sources of early Buddhism.
- The Buddhist SocietyThe UK-based Buddhist Society was founded in 1924, with the object "to publish and make known the principles of Buddhism and to encourage the study and practice of those principles."
- Generations of Buddhist Studies Project (@H-Buddhism)This online project, led by pioneering American scholar of Buddhism Charles Prebish, collects autobiographical/career sketches and reflections on the field of Buddhist Studies.
- H-Buddhism on H-NetH-Buddhism has been created to serve as a medium for the exchange of information regarding resources, events, projects, publications, job listings, and so forth, among the worldwide Buddhist scholarly community.
- Institute of Buddhist StudiesThe Institute of Buddhist Studies is a leading American Buddhist graduate school and seminary that provides graduate-level education across the full breadth of the Buddhist tradition.
- Khyentse FoundationKhyentse Foundation is a nonprofit organization to support all traditions of Buddhist study and practice. Since 2001, the foundation has supported individuals and institutions in more than 30 countries and has directly affected the lives of people around the world.
- Maitripa CollegeMaitripa College is a Buddhist institution of higher education offering contemplative learning culminating in graduate degrees. Founded upon three pillars of scholarship, meditation, and service, Maitripa College curriculum combines Western academic and Tibetan Buddhist disciplines.
- Naropa UniversityLocated in Boulder, Colorado, Naropa University is a private, nonprofit, liberal arts university offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the arts, education, environmental studies, peace studies, psychology and religious studies.
- Oxford Centre for Buddhist StudiesThe OCBS was established in 2004. It is a Recognized Independent Centre (RIC) of the University of Oxford. It promotes the academic study within the University, and elsewhere, of Buddhist texts, societies, theories and practices. It is committed to maintaining the highest academic standards.
- UMA TibetThe UMA Institute for Tibetan Studies was founded in Charlottesville, Virginia (USA) to support long-term translation of texts and oral teachings from Tibetan Buddhist traditions; conduct seminars, classes, and retreats on focal topics of Tibetan Buddhism and instruction in the literary and colloquial aspects of the Tibetan language; and maintain and develop multimedia sites and archives as research and instructional resources accessible across the Worldwide Web.
- University of the WestUWest is a nonprofit and WASC-accredited liberal arts university just outside of Los Angeles, committed to providing a whole-person education, nourishing mind, body, and spirit, and facilitating cultural understanding and appreciation between East and West.