Digital Scholarship @ UB: Home
Workshops & Presentations
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What is Digital Scholarship?
Digital scholarship is not a unified approach to research, teaching, or scholarly publishing, but in general it refers to the use of digital tools and methods in order to ask new research questions, to provide new insights into data using computational methods, to support critical engagement in the classroom, or to communicate the results of scholarship using interactive, multimedia platforms.
The Digital Scholarship Studio and Network, which opened Fall 2019 on the 3rd floor of Lockwood Library, serves as a hub connecting the diverse communities at UB who engage with digital tools and methodologies in their research, teaching, and publishing. We offer consultations on digital scholarship projects and working with humanities and social sciences data, and we host workshops and other events that bring together folks working across disciplines on digital scholarship projects and methodologies.
Featured Resources

A Short Guide to the Digital_Humanities, by Jeffrey Schnapp. MIT Press, 2012.
"As digital methodologies, tools, and skills become increasingly central to work in the humanities, questions regarding fundamentals, project outcomes, assessment, and design have become urgent. The specifications provide a set of checklists to guide those who do work in the Digital Humanities, as well as those who are asked to assess and fund Digital Humanities scholars, projects, and initiatives."
Citation: A Short Guide to the Digital_Humanities, open excerpt from Digital_Humanities, by Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfield, Todd Presner, Jeffrey Schnapp. MIT Press, 2012. Accessed November 7, 2018.

UB Institutional Repository
The University at Buffalo Institutional Repository collects, preserves, and distributes UB's research and scholarship. This Institutional Repository is a group of collections of full-text articles, full-text reports, audio mp3 files, images, and video clips produced by UB researchers and students. Other types and formats of digital scholarship will be added as they become available. UB faculty and staff interested in contributing a collection or an item should contact us at

Oral History in the Digital Age (MSU)
"Oral history is in a profound transition, from an extensive period when sophisticated technology meant utilizing tape cassettes, to a time when the field has moved into the digital, networked, multi-media rich age. The transition into a digital world, and the flexibility it brings, has changed the costs of doing oral history, standards of practice and scholarship, and the vehicles for access."
"Oral History in the Digital Age (OHDA) is a product of an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Leadership project and a collaboration among the Michigan State University Museum; Michigan State University Digital Humanities Center, Matrix; the American Folklife Center (AFC/LOC), the Library of Congress; the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage (CFCH); the American Folklore Society (AFS); the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries; and the Oral History Association. For more information on the development and organization of the project, please visit the OHDA Project Site."
Citation: Oral History in the Digital Age, Accessed November 7, 2018.
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322 Lockwood Memorial Library
Buffalo, NY 14260
Digital Scholarship @ UB was created by UB Libraries' 2018-2020 CLIR Postdoctoral Fellows, Heidi Dodson and Rachel Starry. It is currently maintained by Natalia Estrada. Guide content is licensed CC BY 4.0.