WESTLAW for Law SchoolsIncludes: the West Legal Directory-find attorneys, law firms and other legal employers by geographic area or practice area, and more; PROFILER-access to an attorney's, judge's, or expert's Westlaw Legal Directory entry, jury verdicts and cases they have appeared in; Law Student Jobs Online-database of summer and other positions for current law students available nationwide and abroad, and fellowships, honor programs, and judicial clerkships for recent grads (sign on using OnePass ID and Password); Law Firm Summer Associate Programs-participating firms listed alphabetically and state-by-state, with special lists identifying law firms offering split summers and those outside the U.S., links to full description of the firm's summer program. The Legal Career Center is a comprehensive site that includes Online System for Clerkship Application and Review (OSCAR), a national database of Federal judicial clerk vacancies; info on graduate law degrees, Federal careers + more.