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Career Services Office Information Guide: Job Search

Last Updated: Jul 12, 2024 4:04 PM

Binders full of . . .

Jobs!  The binders are located in Room 610 O'Brian Hall.


Currently active job listings by category:

  1. Summer and academic year positions for students (part-time or full-time)
  2. Entry level (includes current 3Ls, LLMs, and recent graduates) and experienced attorney positions – traditional, non-traditional, academic and ongoing
  3. Post-graduate fellowships (3Ls, LLMs and graduates)
  4. Judicial clerkships (3Ls, LLMs and graduates)

**NYS Unified Court System employment opportunities are filed in a separate binder.

Listings are placed in reverse numerical order (most recent entry at the beginning of the binder). Provides full details (e.g., addresses, application procedures, hiring criteria) of positions. See CSO Handbook for procedures.

Jobs listed in Symplicity

CSO's job listings are now available online through . . .


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