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Census Resources: International Resources

Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 10:32 AM

International Resources

United Nations

Demographic Yearbook (United Nations)
Lockwood HA17 .D45 (1948 +; current in Reference)

  • Presents historical and current demographic data for almost all nations. Each issue includes tables published regularly and a separate section covering a demographic topic in depth.

Social Indicators (United Nations. Statistical Division) 
Topics cover population; education; health; housing; illiteracy; income; and employment. Organization is by topics and countries.

United Nations Population Division (United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs)
The key UN agency responsible for population. Selected links deal with projections; contraceptives; migration; living arrangements. Databases cover:

  • Population Estimates and Projections
  • Population, Resources, Environment and Development Databank (PRED Bank)--140 variables cover population, resources, environment and development.
  • Trends in the World Migrant Stock
  • World Contraceptive Use
  • World Fertility
  • World Population Policies
  • World Urbanization Prospects

United Nations Population Division Publications

Includes reports, datasets, newsletters, databases and more on international topics such as family planning, marriage, migration, urbanization, etc.

International Data Base (IDB)

The International Data Base (IDB) was developed by the U.S. Census Bureau to provide access to accurate and timely demographic measures for populations around the world.  The database includes a comprehensive set of indicators, as produced by the U.S. Census Bureau since the 1960's.

Foreign Countries


Census Statistics and the National Household Survey (NHS)

In 2011, all Canadians completed the 2011 Census and some also completed the National Household Survey (NHS), a voluntary survey sent to a sample of 4.5 million dwelling units--separate living unit occupied by 1 or more people.

  • 2011 Census
    Census covers limited information about population, marital status, sex, age, and languages. The home page highlights data profiles of key metropolitan areas, a guide to data sources, and methodological documents.    Links lead to topics, data products, reference materials, geography, corrections/updates, the Census of Agriculture, and the references to the 1996, 2001, and 2006 censuses. Tabs enable users to browse for information by subjects and key resources.  Select “Topic Based Tabulations” to download detailed tables for small geographies. 
  • National Household Survey
    The NHS collects data on the identical topics as the census questionnaire, plus sociocultural information, immigration, disabilities, education, mobility, labor and employment, and income.  Experts question the value of this information because the NHS is a voluntary survey. Select the "NHS Data Tables" link to view detailed statistics for small areas.  The "Reference Products" link leads to a data dictionary, a user guide, and additional reference sources. 

Historical Censuses of Canada

Locations vary
The Libraries hold Canadian census records in either print or microfilm formats from 1851 to date. Search the Libraries Catalog using the subject heading "Canada--census" to locate materials.

Latin America/Caribbean

Guide to Latin American and Caribbean Census Material: A Bibliography and Union List (University of London. Institute of Latin American Studies)

Lockwood Reference HA755 .G85 1990
Cites all censuses of Latin American nations from the beginnings through 1979 held in over 30 British libraries. References cover population, housing, agriculture, and local counts. Compilers exclude statistical compendia and compilations.

Other Countries

Current National Statistical Compendiums

Statistical Compendiums are available on microfiche in the Silverman Multimedia Center at call number MicFiche HA 154 C8.

International Programs (U.S. Census Bureau) 
Provides socioeconomic information for countries throughout the world. The search interface allows selection of one subject at a time, but users can select any combination of countries and years.

Population Reference Bureau 
Browse for information by region or country.



Featured Resources

United States Bureau of the Census.   International Data Base (IDB)


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Carolyn Klotzbach-Russell
422 Lockwood Library, North Campus
(716) 645-9178