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Census Resources: New York State

Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 10:32 AM

New York State

New York State


Sources of Data

State Censuses. New York  (KTO Microform)

Lockwood Library  MicFiche HA546 .S82 1971

Reproduces data published from the mid-decade censuses conducted by New York State between 1795 and 1925. 


State Census Rolls (Microform Collection)

Lockwood  MicFilm F 127 .E6 B8

The State Census Rolls for the Erie County state population censuses conducted in 1855, 1865, 1875, 1892, 1905, 1915, and 1925 are owned by UB. Included are schedules for towns in Erie County plus the city of Buffalo by wards. Specific information recorded varies year to year. Generally the following types of data can be found:  names of household residents, age, sex, race and relationship to the head of the household, place of birth, marital status. The reels are arranged in chronological order. For each census year, the schedule for Buffalo by ward comes first followed by the schedules for the towns alphabetically by name.  To access see the catalog record for the title  "Buffalo & Erie County Buffalo & towns census records" for indication of which reel to use. There are no aids in the Libraries that directly assist in locating a particular household on the reels. The Special Collection section of the main branch of the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library has a collection of ward maps. Knowing the address of the household for which you are looking can be helpful.


Other References

Cornell Program on Applied Demographics    (Cornell University. College of Human Ecology)
Access to view New York State census data, American Community Survey statistics, school district populations, population projections, and trends by age and sex. Good projections are difficult to find.

1980 Census School District Comprehensive Population and Housing Characteristics (State University of New York. Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government)
Lockwood MicFiche LB2826.N7 A14 1986
Reproduces data for New York State school districts.


New York State Census Records 1790-1925 (New York State Library)

Although published in 1981, New York State Census Records are still a good inventory of federal and state census manuscripts covering 1790-1925. Census manuscripts are forms completed by enumerators that identify individuals at specific addresses. Federal manuscripts are disclosed 72 years after a census is taken because the law requires the Bureau of the Census to maintain confidentiality of respondents. New York State conducted its own mid-decade censuses between 1795 and 1925.

Lockwood Reference Desk Z1009 .N56 no.88
Special Collections University Archives Z1009 .N56 no.88


QuickFacts from the U.S. Census Bureau 
Can limit search to state and county Reproduces data about demographic and housing conditions; income and poverty; health insurance coverage; and business and the economy.


New York State Data Center

The State Data Center operates as part of a nationwide effort to improve public access to data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.


Featured Resource

Cornell Program on Applied Demographics (Cornell University. College of Human Ecology)
Access View New York State census data, American Community Survey statistics, school district populations, population projections, and trends by age and sex. Good projections are difficult to find.


Profile Photo
Carolyn Klotzbach-Russell
422 Lockwood Library, North Campus
(716) 645-9178