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Census Resources: PUMS Data

Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 10:32 AM



The Bureau of the Census publishes statistics in 2 formats, tabulated statistics and public use microdata samples (PUMS).

  • Tabulated data are preconfigured tables, such as those in books.

  • Microdata samples reflect the individual answers of each respondent, excluding personal identifying information. Data are not compiled into tables. Users create their own tables with statistical packages, such as SPSS or SAS. This sometimes requires a good amount of statistical sophistication.

Sources of PUMS Data


1990 Census of Population and Housing. Public Use Microdata Samples. A (5%) Sample (U.S. Bureau of the Census)

Silverman Multimedia Center  US CD-ROM 67: C 3.285: CD 90-PUMSA


Census 2000 Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) (U.S. Bureau of the Census)

Silverman Multimedia Center US DVD 27: C 3.285: P 96/ 2000
Silverman Multimedia Center US DVD 28: C 3.285: P 96/ 2000


ICPSR (University of Michigan. Institute for Social Research (ISR). Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)

ICPSR provides access to research data from agencies, government entities and researchers.  Over 760 universities, government agencies and other institutions are members of ICPSR.  Data producers preserve and disseminate primary research data using ICPSR.  Researchers and students use the data available in ICPSR for papers and articles.  Researchers can explore the Bibliography of Data-Related Literature that links ICPSR studies with thousands of publications in the professional literature.  Many of the datasets are available for downloading in SPSS, SAS, and Excel formats. 

Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) (University of Minnesota. Minnesota Population Center)
 Provides data for the censuses beginning with 1850, plus the American Community Surveys. Data can be extracted  for use with statistical packages, or  you may analyze statistics online.  Users must complete the free registration process.


MicroAnalyst (QueryLogic)
Silverman Multimedia Center CD-ROM HA181 .M53 1999
Four CD-ROMs provide PUMS statistics covering 1850-1990. These data are comparable to those in the IPUMS series.


Public-Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) (U.S. Bureau of the Census)
Covers decennial census data from 1980-2000, and the American Community Survey.



Featured Resources

ICPSR (University of Michigan. Institute for Social Research (ISR). Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)

ICPSR provides access to research data from agencies, government entities and researchers. 


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Carolyn Klotzbach-Russell
422 Lockwood Library, North Campus
(716) 645-9178