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Chemical & Biological Engineering Research: Citation Metrics

Last Updated: Sep 11, 2024 11:55 AM

Citation Metrics intro

Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is the ratio between the number of citations received in that year for publications in that journal that were published in the two preceding years and the total number of "citable items" published in that journal during the two preceding years. 

See the example image below.

Journal Impact Factor example image

Tools for Citation-Based Analyses

  • The SCImago Journal & Country Rank
    Publicly available portal that includes journal and country scientific indicators developed from information contained in the Scopus®. These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains. Journals can be compared or analyzed separately. Country rankings may also be compared or analyzed separately. Journals can be grouped by subject area (27 major thematic areas), subject category (313 specific subject categories), or by country. Citation data is drawn from over 21,500 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers and country performance metrics from 239 countries worldwide.


What are "Altmetrics"?

Altmetrics, or alternative metrics, measure and monitor the reach and impact of scholarship and research through online interactions. Impact for altmetrics are measured in various ways including number of views, number of saves/bookmarks, shares, discussion, and cites. 

Advantages of Altmetrics:

  • Altmetrics data can inform researchers of elements of the societal impact of their research. For example, altmetrics data can help researchers understand how their research is being interacted with by the public, government, policy makers, and other researchers.
  • Altmetrics provide a wider range of data, from a wider range of sources than traditional metrics. Altmetrics data is also highly nuanced and can be provided in high detail and in the context in which it originates.
  • Altmetrics data accumulates at a faster speed compared to traditional metrics. In disciplines where citations grow slowly, or in the context of new researchers, this speed helps determine which outputs are gaining online attention. 
  • Providers like and ImpactStory provide access to their API and source code. Altmetrics providers also pull their data from open sources, who give access to their APIs or raw usage data, which makes altmetrics data more easily replicable than data in proprietary databases.

View the videos below to learn a bit more about Altmetrics, as well as the Altmetric It bookmarklet, that is one way to find quick altmetrics data for scholarly papers.

Tenure Metrics

Engineering Librarian

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Erin Rowley
119 Lockwood Library
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260

Citation Management Software

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UB has a site license to EndNote, software that allows you to collect, store, organize, retrieve, and automatically format references to journal articles, books, patents, and more in your papers. For help using EndNote, visit the EndNote Basics Guide.

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Zotero, an open-source citation management tool similar to EndNote, is also available. For help using Zotero, visit the Zotero Basics Guide.