Tenure Metrics: Cited Reference Searching: Web of Science
Web of Science: Cited Reference Searching
Entering a Search
If you want to find out what articles have cited a particular work in Web of Science, click on the "Cited Reference Search" tab above the search boxes.
For example, if you want to find all the articles in the WOS database that cited:
K. Anand, J. Ziebuhr, P. Wadhwani, J.R. Mesters, R. Hilgenfeld. ?Coronavirus main proteinase (3CL(pro)) structure: Basis for design of anti-SARS drugs.? SCIENCE, 300 (5626): 1763-1767, Jun. 13, 2003.
Enter your criteria in the cited reference search field.
Then click the SEARCH button to get a list of the cited papers from the index that match the criteria you specified.
Sometimes authors cite their own work. To eliminate self-citations, in this case, K. Anand, select all of the records that pertain to the author and click Finish Search to create a set. Next, go to Basic search and perform a search for Anand K*, then go to Advanced search, select the boxes next to each set of results, and combine the two sets with the NOT command.
(cited reference search) NOT (author search) eliminates the articles where K. Anand cited his own work
Web of Science: Author Search
Entering a Search
Web of Science also provides a special Author Search to search for all publications by a single author. The search is a multi-step process to ensure the correct author is selected (especially when an author may have a common name).
First, select "Core Collection" from the 'Select a database' drop-down menu above the search box. Then, click on "Author Search."
Then, enter the last name of the author you are searching in the Last Name box. The search will automatically generate some results that you can select from, but you can also type in whatever you like. Enter the first initial in the First Name and Middle Initial box.
TIP: If you are unsure how the author may have been cited (i.e., with first name only, with first name and middle initial, with first and middle initials only), it is a good idea to ONLY enter the first initial of the author's first name. You will have an opportunity on the next screen to view all authors with the last name and first initial you entered (including additional options to narrow the search).
TIP: You can also search by Web of Science ResearcherID or ORCID number, if you have that information.
Once you have entered the last name and first initial, click on the FIND button. You will then be brought to the Results screen.
On the Results page, you can see all authors that match the search criteria entered on the previous screen. There may be multiple results that represent the same author if the author used different variations of their name on various publications. Review the institution/organization information for the authors listed. You can also narrow by subject categories if there are authors with similar names but publishing in different subject areas.
Select the check boxes next to the authors listed that you believe match the author you are searching for. You need only select the boxes if selecting more than one author, as this will combine the entries. Then click on the View Combined Record button at the top of the search results on the right-hand side of the screen. If only one result exists for the author you are searching, simply click on that author name to select it.
After selecting the appropriate author names from the Results screen, you will be brought to an Author Record page. If you are searching for yourself, you can claim the record as your own. Otherwise, you can view author information on this screen as needed, including H-index, sum of times cited, alternative names the author has published under, organization information, as well as a publication list.
To view the entire list of publications, click on the "View as a set of results to export, analyze, and link to full text" button.

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