Professor Foster writes in the areas of environmental law and justice, urban land use law and policy, and state and local government. |
Foley, R. W., O. Sylvain and S. Foster (2022). "Innovation and equality: an approach to constructing a community governed network commons." Journal of Responsible Innovation 9(1): 49-73.
Foster, S., R. Leichenko, K. H. Nguyen, R. Blake, H. Kunreuther, M. Madajewicz, E. P. Petkova, R. Zimmerman, C. Corbin‐Mark, E. Yeampierre, A. Tovar, C. Herrera and D. Ravenborg (2019). "New York City Panel on Climate Change 2019 Report Chapter 6: Community‐Based Assessments of Adaptation and Equity." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1439(1): 126-173.
Wu, D. and S. R. Foster (2019). "From Smart Cities to Co-Cities: Emerging Legal and Policy Responses to Urban Vacancy." Fordham Urb. LJ 47: 909.
Zimmerman, R., S. Foster, J. E. González, K. Jacob, H. Kunreuther, E. P. Petkova and E. Tollerson (2019). "New York City Panel on Climate Change 2019 Report Chapter 7: Resilience Strategies for Critical Infrastructures and Their Interdependencies." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1439(1): 174-229.
Foster, S. R. (2017). "The Limits of Mobility and the Persistence of Urban Inequality." Yale LJF 127: 480.
Foster, S. R. and C. Iaione (2016). "The City as a Commons." Yale law & policy review 34(2): 281-349.
Lenhardt, R. A., E. B. Cooper, S. R. Foster and S. K. Katyal (2008). "Forty years of Loving: Confronting issues of race, sexuality, and the family in the twenty-first century." Fordham law review 76(6): 2669-2684.
Nicola, F. G. and S. Foster (2014). "Comparative urban governance for lawyers." The Fordham urban law journal 42(1): 1.
Foster, S. R. (2014). "Breaking up payday: anti-agglomeration zoning and consumer welfare." Ohio State law journal 75(1): 57.
Davidson, N. M. and S. R. Foster (2013). "The mobility case for regionalism." U.C. Davis law review 47(1): 70.
Foster, S. R. (2011). "Collective Action and the Urban Commons " The Notre Dame law review 87(1): 57-133.
Foster, S. R. and D. Bonilla (2011). "The Social Function of Property: A Comparative Perspective Introduction." Fordham law review 80(3): 1003-1015.
Foster, S. R. (2009). "Urban Informality as a Commons Dilemma." The University of Miami inter-American law review 40(2): 261-284.
Foster, S. R. (2009). "Environmental justice and the Constitution." Environmental law reporter 39(5): 10347.
Foster, S. R. and B. Glick (2007). "Integrative Lawyering: Navigating the Political Economy of Urban Redevelopment." California law review 95(5): 1999-2072.
Foster, S. R. (2006). "The city as an ecological space: social capital and urban land use." The Notre Dame law review 82(2): 527.
Foster, S. R. (2005). "Critical Race Lawyering: Foreword." Fordham Law Review 73(5): 2027.
Foster, S. R. (2005). "Causation in antidiscrimination law: beyond intent versus impact." Houston law review 41(5): 1469.
Foster, S. R. (2003). "From Harlem to Havana: Sustainable Urban Development." Tulane environmental law journal 16: 783-805.
Afilalo, A. and S. Foster (2003). "The World Trade Organization's anti-discrimination jurisprudence: free trade, national sovereignty, and environmental health in the balance." Georgetown international environmental law review 15(4): 633-633.
Foster, S. (2002). "Environmental justice in an era of devolved collaboration." SSRN Electronic Journal 26(2): 459-498.
Foster, S. R. (2000). "Meeting the environmental justice challenge: evolving norms in environmental decision making." Environmental law reporter 30(11): 10992.
Local Responses to Climate-Forced Displacement & Migration:Uniting Mayors and City Leaders as Global Champions, Report prepared for the Global Parliament of Mayors, June 2021 (with Kamal Amakrane)
(2020). Urban Commons. obo in Urban Studies. doi: 10.1093/obo/9780190922481-0015