Clarkson Chair Planning Research Guide: 2019 Clarkson Chair: Dr. Vanessa Watson
Dr. Vanessa Watson
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Currently teaches in the City and Regional Planning post-graduate programme in the School of Architecture, |
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
Borland, R, R Morrell and V Watson (2018) Southern Agency: Navigating National and Global Imperatives in Climate Research. Global Environmental Politics 18(3): 47-65 doi:10.1162/glep_a_00468
Battersby, J., & Watson, V. (2018). Addressing food security in African cities. Nature Sustainability, 1(4), 153-155. doi:10.1038/s41893-018-0051-y.
Watson V (2017) Planning and the new urban agenda, Urban Design, Winter: 12-13. (non-peer reviewed).
Watson, V (2016) Shifting Approaches to Planning Theory: Global North and South, Urban Planning 1(4): 32-41. DOI: 10.17645/up.v1i4.727 Open access at
Watson, V (2016) Locating Planning in the New Urban Agenda of the Urban Sustainable Development Goal. Planning Theory 15(4) 435-448.
Watson, V (2016) Planning mono-culture or planning difference? Planning Theory and Practice 4. 10.1080/14649357.2016.1230364.
Smit, W., de Lannoy, A., Dover, R. V. H., Lambert, E. V., Levitt, N., & Watson, V. (2016). Making unhealthy places: The built environment and non-communicable diseases in Khayelitsha, Cape Town. Health & Place, 39, 196-203.
Watson, V (2015): The allure of ‘smart city’ rhetoric: India and Africa. Dialogues in Human Geography, 5(1), pp 36-39. DOI: 10.1177/2043820614565868
Watson V (2014): The case for a Southern perspective in planning theory. International Journal of E-Planning Research, 3(1), pp 23-37.
Watson V (2014): Will the profession speak out? Winners and losers in the future African city. Planning Theory and Practice, Interface, 15 (1) pp 115-118.
Watson, V (2014): Co-production and collaboration in planning – the difference. Planning Theory and Practice, 15 (1) pp 62-76. Nominated by Planning Theory and Practice for the AESOP 2015 best paper prize. Listed as one of most popular articles in PT&P 2014-15.
Watson, V (2014): African urban fantasies: dreams or nightmares? Environment and Urbanization, 26(1): 213-229. DOI: 0.1177/0956247813513705.
Reprinted: Dérive: Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung (2015) April-June, No 59, pp37-45
Watson, V (2013): The ethics of planners and their professional bodies: response to Flyvbjerg, Cities, 32, 167. 168.
Watson, V and N Odendaal (2013): Changing planning education in Africa: the role of the Association of African Planning Schools, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 33(1) pp. 96 - 107.
Watson, V (2013): Planning and the ‘stubborn realities’ of global south-east cities: some emerging ideas, Planning Theory 12(1), 81-100. (online May 24th 2012) DOI: 10.1177/1473095212446301.
Vlahov, D., Agarwal, S. R., Buckley, R. M., Caiaffa, W. T., Corvalan, C. F., Ezeh, A. C., . . . Watson, V. J. (2011). Roundtable on Urban Living Environment Research (RULER). J Urban Health, 88(5), 793-857. doi:10.1007/s11524-011-9613-2
Watson, V (2011): Changing planning law in Africa: an introduction, Urban Forum, 3, 203-208. (guest editor of special issue).
Porter, L., Lombard, M., Huxley, M., Ingin, A. K., Islam, T., Briggs, J., … Watson, V. (2011). Informality, the Commons and the Paradoxes for Planning: Concepts and Debates for Informality and Planning Self-Made Cities: Ordinary Informality? The Reordering of a Romany Neighbourhood The Land Formalisation Process and the Peri-Urban Zone of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Street Vendors and Planning in Indonesian Cities Informal Urbanism in the USA: New Challenges for Theory and Practice Engaging with Citizenship and Urban Struggle Through an Informality Lens. Planning Theory & Practice, 12(1), 115–153.
Parnell, S, E Pieterse and V Watson (2009): Planning for cities in the global South: an African research agenda for sustainable human settlements, Progress in Planning 72: 233-241.
Watson V (2009) ‘Seeing from the South: refocusing urban planning on the globe’s central urban issues’, Urban Studies, 46(11) 2259-2275.
Watson, V. (2009). ‘The planned city sweeps the poor away…’: Urban planning and 21st century urbanisation. Progress in Planning, 72(3), 151-193. doi:
Watson, V (2008) ‘Down to Earth: linking planning theory and practice in the ‘metropole’ and beyond’, International Planning Studies 13(3) 223-237.
Watson, V (2008) ‘The internationalisation of planning education: issues, perceptions and priorities for action: comment’, Town Planning Review 79(1) pp118-20. DOI: 10.3828/tpr.79.1.6.
Watson, V: (2006) “Deep Difference: diversity, planning and ethics, Planning Theory 5(1) pp 31-50. Nominated by Planning Theory for the AESOP best published paper award in 2007. Reprinted in A Mandanipour (ed) 2015: Planning Theory volumes 1-4. In Volume IV: Planning with Contingency, Part 1: Critical Planning: Power, Conflict, and Social Justice.
Stifel, B., Watson V and Abramo P, (eds.) (2005): “Diálogos Internacionais em Planejamento Urbano e Regional”. Special Issue of Cadernos IPPUR. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano e Regional.
Spiegel, A, V Watson and P Wilkinson (2005): “Women, Difference and Urbanisation Patterns in Cape Town, South Africa." Anthropology Southern Africa 28 (1&2). Pp 31-38.
Watson, V (2004): “Teaching planning in a context of diversity”, Planning Theory and Practice Vol5 (2) Pp 252-254. Invited “Insight” article.
Watson, V. (2004): “Of universals and specificities: how different are we?”, Town Planning Review 75 (1). Ppi-iv. Invited Viewpoint article.
Watson V (2004): “Transforming the South African City: Issues of Culture”, Architecture SA (8), Jan/Feb. Pp 24-26.
Watson, V. (2003): “Conflicting rationalities: implications for planning theory and ethics”, Planning Theory and Practice 4(4) pp 395-408. * Nominated by PT&P for the Association of European Schools of Planning 2004 best published papers award. ** Selected for republication in Hillier J and Healey P (eds) (2008): Contemporary Movements in Planning Theory vol 3. Ashgate: Aldershot.
Todes, A, Harrison P and V Watson (2003): “The Changing Nature of the Job Market for Planning in South Africa: Implications for Planning Educators” Town and Regional Planning, Vol 46, 21-32.
K Diaw,T Nnkya and V Watson (2002) “Planning Education in Africa: Responding to the Demands of a Changing Context”, Planning Practice and Research 17 (3), pp 337-348.
Watson, V (2002): “The Usefulness of Normative Planning Theories in the Context of Sub-Saharan Africa”, Planning Theory. Vol. 1 (1), pp27-52. * Selected by the Global Planning Education Association Network for re-publication in a book of best papers: Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning, 2005.
Watson, V (2002): “Do We Learn from Planning Practice? The Contribution of the Practice Movement to Planning Theory”, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 22 (2), pp 178-187.
Turok I and V Watson (2002): “Strategic Challenges Facing South African Cities”, New Agenda: SA Journal of Social and Economic Policy, 8, 108-119.
Turok I and V Watson (2001): “Divergent Development in South African Cities: strategic challenges facing Cape Town”, Urban Forum, Vol 12 (2), 119-138.
Watson V (1998): "Planning Under Political Transition: Lessons from Cape Town's Metropolitan Planning Forum", International Planning Studies, Vol 3 No 3, pp 335-350.
Watson V and M McCarthy (1998): "Rental Housing and the Role of the Household Rental Sector: Evidence from South Africa", Habitat International, Vol 22 No 1, pp 49-56.
Harrison P, A Todes and V Watson (1997): "The Economic Development of South Africa's Urban Townships: Realities and Strategies". Development Southern Africa, Vol 14, No 1, pp 43-60.
Gilbert A, Mabin A, McCarthy M and V Watson (1997): "Low-income Rental Housing: are South African Cities Different?” Environment and Urbanisation, Vol 9 No 1, April, pp 133-147.
Gilbert A, Mabin A, McCarthy M and V Watson (1996): "A Neglected Sector of Housing for the Poor: Subletting, Sharing and Informal Rental", Development Southern Africa, Vol 13, No 3, Research Notes, pp 495-7.
Spiegel A, V Watson and P Wilkinson (1996): "Devaluing Diversity? National Housing Policy and African Household Dynamics in Cape Town", Urban Forum, vol 7, No 1 pp 1-30.
Spiegel A, V Watson and P Wilkinson (1996): "Domestic Diversity and Fluidity Among Some African Households in Greater Cape Town", Social Dynamics, Vol 21, No 2, pp 7-30.
Watson, V (1994): "Housing Policy, Sub-letting and the Urban Poor: Evidence From Cape Town", Urban Forum, Vol 5, No 2, pp 27-45.
Watson, V (1994): "South African Cities: a Challenge for Planners", Muniviro, Vol 11, No 1.
Watson, V (1993): "The Need for More Appropriate Forms of Urban Management: the Case of Land Use Controls and Home Businesses", Development Southern Africa, Vol 10, No 2, pp 155-66.
R and V Watson (1992): "Inward Development: Solutions to Urban Sprawl", Indicator South Africa, Vol 9, No 3, pp 51-54.
Watson, V (1991): "Housing in South Africa: Issues and Possibilities", Architecture SA, September/October, pp 23-4.
Watson, V (1991): "Urbanisation: A Question of Balance", Sash, 33(3), pp 28-30.
Watson, V (1991): "What Kind of Cities Do We Want to Live In?", UCT News Magazine, Vol 18, No 1, pp 16-18.
Watson, V (1991): "Urbanisation Policy: Lessons from South America for South Africa?", Social Dynamics, Vol 17, No 2, pp 155-67.
Watson, V (1990): "Environmental Implications of Urbanisation in South Africa", Black Sash Magazine.
Dewar D, A Todes and V Watson (1986): "Industrial Decentralisation Policy in South Africa: Rhetoric and Reality", Urban Studies, Vol 23, No 5, pp 363-376.
Todes A, V Watson and P Wilkinson (1986): "Local Government Restructuring in South Africa: The Case of the Western Cape", Social Dynamics, Vol 12, No 1, pp 49-69.
Todes A and V Watson (1986): "Local Government Reform, Urban Crises and Development", Geoforum, Vol 17, No 2, pp 251-266.
Watson, V (1986): "South African Urbanisation Policy: Past and Future", S A Labour Bulletin, Vol II, No 8, pp 77-90.
Watson, V (1986): "Regional Services Council: What Chances of Success?", Housing in South Africa, pp 50-53.
Todes A and V Watson (1986): "Implications of the Proposed Reorganisation of Local Government for Development Issues in Cape Town", Architecture S A, pp 32-34.
Todes A, V Watson and P Wilkinson (1986): "Local Government Restructuring in South Africa: The Case of the Western Cape", Social Dynamics, Vol 12, No 1, pp 49-69.
Dewar D, A Todes and V Watson (1985): "The South African State and Urbanisation Policy: Crisis and Response", Habitat International, Vol 9, No 3/4, pp 179-189.
Todes A and V Watson (1985): "Local Government Reform in South Africa: An Interpretation of Aspects of the State's Current Proposals", South African Geographical Journal, Vol 67, No 2, pp 201-211.
Dewar D, A Todes and V Watson (1983/4): "Urbanisation Processes and Policies in Africa : Lessons from Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe", Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Vol 3, No 1/2, pp 79-107.
Dewar D, A Todes and V Watson (1983): "Development from Below? Basic Needs, Rural Service Centres and the South African Bantustans, with Particular Reference to the Transkei", African Urban Studies, Michigan, USA, No 15, pp 59-75.
Published Conference Proceedings
Watson, V (2009): ‘University of Cape Town, City and Regional Planning Programme’, in D Inkoom, P Ngau, T Nnkya and V Watson (eds), Revitalisation of planning education in Africa, conference of the Association of African Planning Schools and the African Centre for Cities, Cape Town, October 2008. ISBN 978‐0‐620‐42928‐3,
“Conflicting rationalities: framing urban theory, practice and education in the cities of the global South”. Architecture Sans Frontieres. Oxford University. 22-23 July, 2008. Invited and funded keynote plenary speaker.
Cullinan M, Madell C and V Watson (eds) (2006): Proceedings of the Planning Africa Conference 2006. Published on by the South African Planning Institute. ISBN 0-620-36402-5
Watson V (2006): “Best practice planning and the de Soto thesis: questioning the validity of universalism”, Proceedings of the Planning Africa Conference 2006, Cape Town, March. Published on website: by the South African Planning Institute.
Watson V (2005): “New Ways of Seeing? Building Bridges for Future Interdisciplinary Research”. In T Richardson, L Stringer and P Meth (eds): Everyday Life and Spatial Governance, University of Sheffield, June. TRP 147 – Research Papers in Town and Regional Planning, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield. ISBN 1 874247 43 9
Watson V (2002): “Interpretations of Place and Territory in African Cities – Implications for Formal Planning Systems”. Plenary paper presented at the Planning Africa 2002 Conference, Sept 18-20. Published on website: by the South African Planning Institute.
Harrison P, A Todes and V Watson (2002): “The Changing Nature of the Job Market for Planning in South Africa: Implications for Planning Educators. Paper presented at the Planning Africa 2002 Conference, Sept 18-20. Published on website: by the South African Planning Institute.
Watson V (2001): “Local Government and Sustainable Urban Development: What will our reforms achieve?”. Report of the Biennial UEF Meeting, Cape Town 2000, Nairobi. Pp 67-68.
Watson V (2000): “Planning Practice and Context – the Relevance of History”, in Proceedings of the Millenium Conference of the Planning History Study Group: Planning for Reconstruction and Transformation. University of Natal. Pp168-175
Watson V (1996): "Social Issues: Migrant Access to Limited Resources", rapporteur's report on workshop 1. Proceedings of the 32nd Congress of the International Society of City and Regional Planners: Migration and the Global Economy: Planning Responses to Disintegrating Patterns and Frontiers, ISOCARP, The Hague. pp 73-74.
Spiegel A, Watson V and P Wilkinson (1996): "Dealing with Diversity: African Household Dynamics and Housing Policy Formation in Cape Town". Proceedings of the IGU Commission on Urban Development and Urban Life: Contemporary City Structuring International Geographical Insights, Society of South African Geographers, Cape Town, pp 287-307.
Watson, V (1994): "The Implications of Urbanisation Trends and Patterns for City Management". Proceedings of the Symposium on A Population Policy for the Western Cape, Western Cape Population Forum, pp 35-41.
Watson, V (1994): "Regeneration of the Apartheid City". Proceedings of the CAPTRUST Conference: A Vision of Cape Town, Cape Town Heritage Trust.
Behrens, R and V Watson (1993): "Well located housing: key issues in the provision of affordable higher density housing in metropolitan Cape Town". Proceedings of the 21st IAHS World Housing Congress: The Future of Human Settlements: Challenges and Opportunities, Cape Town, May, 1993.
Published Book Reviews
Urban Studies 53(16) 2016. Review of Gautam Bhan, In the Public’s Interest: Evictions, Citizenship and Inequality in Contemporary Delhi, Orient Blackswan: New Delhi, 2016 Pp 3584-3586.
International Development Planning Review 37(4) 2015. Review of Urban Poverty and the Global South, Scale and Nature. D Mitlin and D Satterthwaite, Routledge 2013.
International Planning Studies 14(2), 2009, Review of Critical Essays in Planning Theory: Volume 2 Political Economy, Diversity and Pragmatism (2008), Jean Hillier & Patsy Healey (Eds), Ashgate, Aldershot. Pp 224-228.
Planning Theory and Practice 6 (4), 2005, Review of D Mitlin and D Satterthwaite (2004) Empowering Squatter Citizens: local government, civil society and urban poverty reduction, Earthscan: London, pp547-549
Urban Studies 40 (8), 2003, Review of E Gualini (2001) Planning and the Intelligence of Institutions, Aldershot: Ashgate.Pp 1630-31 Urban Studies 39(8), 2002. Review of M Khosa (ed): (2000): Empowerment through Service Delivery and Infrastructure Mandate for Change, HSRC, Pretoria. Pp 1493-4.
Urban Studies 39(8), 2002. Review of M Khosa (ed): (2000): Empowerment through Service Delivery and Infrastructure Mandate for Change, HSRC, Pretoria. Pp 1493-4.
International Planning Studies 6(2) 2001. Review of A Morris (1999): Bleakness and Light: Inner City Transition in Hillbrow, Johannesburg. Pp 238-40
Review of P McCarney (ed) 1996: The Changing Nature of Local Government in Developing Countries, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto Press; and Cities and Governance: New Directions in Latin America, Asia and Africa, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto Press. In Urban Forum Vol 8 no 1, 1997.
Review of D. Drakkakis-Smith (ed): Urban and Regional Change in Southern Africa, Routledge, London, 1992. In Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 1993.
Review of D. Drakkakis-Smith (ed): Economic Growth and Urbanisation in Developing Areas, Routledge, London, 1990. In South African Geographical Journal, Dec. 1991.