Classical Philology: Palaeography & Textual Criticism
On this page, you can discover the best resources for the study of ancient and medieval manuscripts (scrolls, codices, etc.) available to UB library users.
Introductions & Guides | Palaeographical Photographs | Catalogs & Checklists of Manuscripts
Ancillae for Manuscript Abbreviations | Textual Transmission & Textual Criticism | Online Resources
Introductions & Guides

An introduction to Greek and Latin palaeography by Edward Maunde Thompson (1912)
Annex: Z114 .T472
Online: 1966 edition available at HathiTrust (UB only); 1912 edition available at the Internet Archive.

Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography by Edward Maunde Thompson (1966)
Goetz: Z114 .T472
Annex: Z114 .T471 1966
Online: 1906 edition available at HathiTrust (UB only); 1893 edition available at the Internet Archive.
Palaeographical Photographs
Dated Greek Minuscule Manuscripts to the Year 1200, 10 vols., by Kirsopp & Silva Lake (1934)
Annex: Oversize Z113 .M816 1st ser.
Online: 1934 edition available at Lake Online on Pyle.
A guide to Western historical scripts from antiquity to 1600 by Michelle P. Brown (2007)
This item is not currently available through UB Libraries, but interested UB users are encouraged to order it through Delivery+.
Ancillae for Manuscript Abbreviations
Notae latinae: An account of abbreviation in Latin mss. of the early minuscule period (c. 700-850) by W. M. Lindsay (1915)
Annex: PA2318 .L46
Online: 1915 edition available at HathiTrust (UB only) and at the Internet Archive.
See also: Doris Bains, A supplement to Notae latinae (abbreviations in Latin mss. of 850 to 1050 A. D.) (1936).

Lexicon abbreviaturarum, etc., 6th ed., by Adriano Cappelli (1973)
Annex: Z111 .C24 1973
Online: 1912 edition available at HathiTrust (UB only); 1928 edition of German translation available at the Internet Archive.

The elements of abbreviation in medieval Latin paleography by Adriano Cappelli (1991)
This item is not currently available through UB Libraries, but interested UB users are encouraged to order it through Delivery+.
Textual Transmission & Textual Criticism
The Genesis of Lachmann's Method by Sebastiano Timpanaro (2006)
This item is not currently available through UB Libraries, but interested UB users are encouraged to order it through Delivery+.

Storia della tradizione e critica del testo by Giorgio Pasquali (1974)
This item is not currently available through UB Libraries, but interested UB users are encouraged to order it through Delivery+.
Online Resources
- Abbreviationes Abbreviationes™, historically the first database of medieval Latin abbreviations, having been published on the web in 1993, is a great tool for deciphering and transcribing medieval Latin manuscripts. It is a standard reference work and reflects the state of contemporary scholarship.
- Codices Electronici Ecclesiae Colonensis (CEEC) Das Projekt CEEC wird von der DFG im Programm "Retrospektive Digitalisierung von Bibliotheksbeständen" gefördert. Dieses Programm gehört zu dem Förderbereich "Verteilte Digitale Forschungsbibliothek". Im Rahmen des Projektes CEEC werden die mittelalterlichen Kodizes der Erzbischöflichen Diözesan- und Dombibliothek Köln (DDB) digitalisiert. Die DDB ist damit weltweit die erste Bibliothek, die ihre mittelalterlichen Handschriftenbestände komplett digitalisieren lässt und als "Digitale Bibliothek" der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich macht.
- Digital Scriptorium Digital Scriptorium (DS) is a growing consortium of American institutions with collections of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts. As an online image repository, the DS website allows users to verify descriptive metadata with visual evidence of the manuscripts described. As an online union catalog, DS unites scattered rare materials, including dispersed manuscript leaves from dismembered books, into a national digital platform for cross-collection teaching and scholarly research. DS records not only include recognized touchstone materials, such as manuscripts signed and dated by their scribes or illuminators, but also unidentified manuscripts that are traditionally unlikely candidates for exhibition or reproduction in print.
- Parker Library on the Web Corpus Christi College and the Stanford University Libraries welcome you to Parker Library on the Web, a digital exhibit designed to support use and study of the manuscripts in the historic Parker Library at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The Parker Library is a treasure trove of rare medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as early printed books. Almost all manuscripts in the Parker Library collection have been fully digitised and are available in this exhibit, along with associated bibliographic references and annotations made by scholars from around the world.
- Pyle Pyle is a collaborative tool for teaching and scholarly research in the field of Greek palaeography and codicology; it aims to collect scattered resources from various individuals and institutions, gradually adding new information, materials and services. Pyle also aims to promote interaction among scholars, students and all other persons interested in ancient and medieval Greek manuscript books, providing a place to share knowledge, ideas, projects and news.
- The Vatican Library The Vatican Library preserves over 180,000 manuscripts (including 80,000 archival units), 1,600,000 printed books, over 8,600 incunabula, over 300,000 coins and medals, 150,000 prints, drawings and engravings and over 150,000 photographs.