Genealogy and Ancestry Research: Home
For those researching genealogy, lineage and related topics. Focus is on Erie County and Western NY ancestor research.
UB Libraries Resources
New York Family History Research Guide and Gazetteer /New York Genealogical and Biographical Society; managing editors, N. Joshi, et al.
Lockwood Library Reference Collection 1st floor Call number F118 .N6 2017
New York County and Regional Histories and Atlases
Lockwood Library Microforms Collection MicFilm F119.N49
A collection of 116 reels of microfilm of county histories of New York. Most histories contain maps, listing of businesses, churches, schools, biographies, and illustrations. The index to the collection is Reel Index to the Microform Collection of New York County and Regional Histories and Atlases. Lockwood Library Science and Engineering Reference Collection 1st floor F119.N49 Reel Index
Archives Unbound: County And Regional Histories & Atlases: New York database of regional and county histories; search by surname or by town name. UBIT name is required to login from home.
Buffalo and Erie County Maps
UB offers an extensive collection of current and historical Buffalo and Western NY maps.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
UB has some print and online access (note online use is for current UB campus affiliates only); see other NYS libraries that offer these maps.
See the Census Bureau Genealogy page for details on the availability of U.S. decennial census data.
Census of population (year). New York
This is the Schedule of the Federal Population Census, Erie County, New York We have 1820-1880, 1900-1930
Lockwood Library Microforms Collection MicFilm F127.E6 S2
These are the Federal census records. The Libraries own the 1820-1880 and 1900-1930 federal census records for Erie County, City of Buffalo and some surrounding counties. Details are at Federal Population Census Rolls Microform Profile .
Buffalo & Erie County : Buffalo & Towns Census Records, 1850-1855
Library Annex General Collection MicFilm F127.E6 B8
These are the State census records. The Libraries own 1855, 1865, 1875, 1892, 1905, 1915, and 1925. Details are at State Census Rolls Microform Profile .
1890 New York Census Index of Civil War Veterans or their Widows
Lockwood Library Microforms Collection MicFiche E494.D583 1984 Fiche 1-4
This is often used as a substitute for the lost 1890 Federal Census.
City, County, Town and Township Index to the 1850 Federal Census Schedules
Library Annex General Collection CS65.P37
Helps to determine the county location of cities and towns (census schedules are arranged by county.)
Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790. New York
Lockwood Documents US C 3.11: N 42y
Also available online at
Index to the 1800 Census of New York/ Compiled by Barbra Armstrong
Library Annex F118.A76 1984
New York in 1800; An Index to the Federal Census Schedules of the State of New York, with other Aids to Research
Lockwood Library Reference Collection 1st floor F123 .M159
Union List of Federal Population Census Schedules on Microfilm in Western New York Libraries
Law Library Reference HA214.S65 1986
Lockwood Library Reference Collection 1st floor Z7554.U5 S64 1986
Lists all the federal census microfilms owned by several nearby libraries.
Buffalo City Directory (title may vary) The libraries own a number of city directories, both Buffalo and suburban.
Libraries Annex Special Collections Spec Coll F129.B8 A18
Law Library Law General Collection Oversize F129.B8 A18
The holdings are described here: City Directories.
City Directories of the United States through 1860 (segment I)
All U.S. directories, including Buffalo, up to 1860.
Lockwood Library Microforms Collection MicFiche: E154.5 D4
United States City Directories (segment II, covers 1861-)
Libraries Annex General Collection MicFilm: E154.5 and call number varies
UB Libraries do not own the entire collection. See: Microform Collection -- City Directories for details.
The Libraries have many Buffalo area newspapers such as Buffalo News on microform in the Lockwood Library Microforms Collection, see Buffalo and WNY News. The Courier-Express and the names index to same. Note the Buffalo Evening News is mostly online. A guide to other historic newspaper databases. Chronicling America site.
Buffalo City Tax Rolls
This microfiche collection reproduces tax rolls for the city of Buffalo for some of the years between 1846 and 1866. Property owner's name is included. For details, see Buffalo City Tax Rolls Microform Profile.
The Census Book by
Call Number: Lockwood Library CS49 .D65 2019ISBN: 9781628592658Publication Date: 2019-06-30
Web Resources
- Buffalo & Erie County Public Library (BECPL) Genealogy ResourcesExtensive list of local genealogical links.
- Buffalo Address Book and Family DirectoryCity directories are bound annual publications that contain print listings of the city residents and businesses along with useful historical information in the front of each edition.
- Buffalo BarracksA searchable database of US Soldiers serving in Buffalo 1837-1846 and in Fort Niagara 1835-1856 presented by
- Buffalo City DirectoriesCollection includes Buffalo City Directories from 1832-1913. The website is continually being updated with new information.
- Buffalo ResearchDeveloped by a genealogy & local history collection librarian. Has excellent local resources/links with explanations. Read the FAQ section of this site. A must see for local research although it seems to be dormant since 2014.
- City of Buffalo Genealogy Records & ResourcesFind and request birth, death and marriage records available from the Buffalo City Clerks Office for genealogy research.
- Erie County, New York CemeteriesExtensive index of nearly all Erie County, NY cemeteries. Most links provide an index to individuals buried in that corresponding cemetery. Additional information on individuals can also be found.
- Family Search: Erie CountyThis website provides many useful links on topics including Church Records, Immigration, Maps, Military Service, General History, Newspapers, and Probate Records.
- Grosvenor Room at the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library (BECPL)Genealogy and local records collection with extensive city and county information.
- Historic Maps of Buffalo, Erie County, and Western New YorkAn index with links to online map resources, organized chronologically, seems to be dormant since 2015.
- Iroquois Genealogy SocietyMission: to encourage interest in the genealogy of the Hodinöhsö:ni' (Iroquois) Nations– Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, Tuscarora and associated peoples.
- NY State Research webinarFrom Allen County Public Lib
- Periodical Source IndexSearch for articles using surnames or towns. See how-to webinars under Genealogy Center webinars link
- Western New York Genealogical SocietyWebsite for those interested in joining the society and learning local history. Links include information on upcoming local genealogy events.
- Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the InternetThis site provides thousands of links to genealogical materials. The sites are categorized and cross-referenced. It contains general as well as locale-specific links.
- Find A GraveAn excellent resource for locating graves, obituaries, family connections, and sometimes death records.
Professionals for hire; pros that are available to do family tree research. Bridge and Case are Buffalo-based. Hiring a professional genealogist. Also examine LINK 1, LINK 2, LINK 3. and LINK 4.
Websites for WNY Counties & Local Historical Societies
Allegany County: Allegany County Historical Society
Cattaraugus County: Cattaraugus County Museum Painted Hills Genealogical Society The Seneca Nation of Indians Genealogy
Chautauqua County: Chautauqua County Genealogical Society Chautauqua County Historian
Erie County: Alden Historical Society Aurora Historical Society Boston Historical Society Buffalo & Western NY Italian Genealogy Society Buffalo and Erie County Public Library Digital Collections Buffalo Genealogical Society of the African Diaspora Buffalo Irish Genealogical Society Cheektowaga Historical Association Clarence Historical Society Elma Historical Society Evans Historical Society Grand Island Historical Society Hamburg Historical Society Holland Historical Society Jewish Genealogical Society of Buffalo Lancaster New York Historical Society Polish Genealogical Society of NY State The Buffalo History Museum Western New York Genealogical Society Western New York Heritage Institute
Genesee County: Genesee Area Genealogy Society Genesee County History Collection Holland Purchase Historical Society Oakfield Historical Society
Monroe County: Gates Historical Society Henrietta Historical Society Office of the Rochester City Historian Perinton Historical Society Rochester Genealogical Society Rochester Historical Society Rochester Public Library Digital Collections Rochester Public Library Local History & Genealogy Resources
Niagara County: Niagara County Genealogical Society Das Haus German Heritage Museum Sanborn Area Historical Society Historical Society of the Tonawandas Town of Newfane Historical Society
Orleans County: Medina Historical Society Orleans County Historical Association
Wyoming County: Warsaw Historical Society Wyoming County Historian
Genealogy Librarian

University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260