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Chemistry: Spectra & Spectral Data

Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 12:13 PM

On this Page

  1. Databases & Journals
  2. Video Resources
  3. Print Resources

Databases & Journals

Print Resources

Print Resources @ UB Libraries: This is a selected bibliography of print resources here at UB. Due to the age of these resources, please use the online materials for primary research. Use these books if you are conducting historical research. A full bibliography is available as well - just email your librarian. 

Extensive review chapters. Volumes 1-10 have chapters by type of substance (i.e. pesticides). Volumes 11-15 have chapters by analytical technique.

General illustrated definitions of concepts and techniques

Tables of data and references of available data in various fields of spectroscopy. Each volume is indexed separately.

  • MIT Wavelength Tables

    [ATOMIC/MICROWAVE] MIT Wavelength Tables: with intensities in arc, spark, or discharge tube of more than 100,000 spectrum lines most strongly emitted by the atomic elements under normal conditions of excitation between 10,000 A. and 2000 A., arranged in order of decreasing wavelengths / measured and compiled under the direction of George R. Harrison by staff members of the Spectroscopy Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; assisted by the Works Progress Administration.

  • Sadtler Collections

Various Sadtler collections and indexes are available in print and microform located in the Lockwood Library and the off-site Library Annex. Check the UB Libraries Catalog by searching 'sadtler spectra'. All indexes are in print format and filed in Lockwood Book Collection QC453.S27. Print spectra and indexes are housed in green bound volumes or loose leaf binders.

Sadtler is our most extensive set of actual spectra covering IR, FTIR, NMR, C-13 NMR, DTA, ATR IR, and UV. There are alphabetical, molecular formula, chemical class, and chemical weight indexes, and supplements. Each collection is listed separately in this guide under the appropriate heading(s).

This resource includes substances that are principally hydrocarbons and their oxygen, halogen, sulfur and nitrogen derivatives. The set, filed in various places in the Lockwood Periodicals collection, includes IR, Mass, Raman, UV, proton NMR, and C-13 NMR spectra.The NMR collections also contain data covering silicon substances. A few organometallic and organophosphorus compounds are included. 

Video Resources