Theatre - Finding Monologues, Playscripts, and Dialogues: Library Databases
Using the Databases
The databases below can be used to find scripts. Here are some searching tips:
- Use Boolean operators such as "AND" and "OR" to connect terms in a keyword search
- Place quotation marks around phrases to search for an exact phrase
- Limit search results by Document Type
- "Play" in LitFinder (Gale Literature Online) and Literature Online
- "Script" in Arts & Humanities Citation Index
- Limit search results by Subject or Topic
- Utilize the "Search Drama" feature on Literature Online, located in the center of the homepage under "Primary Texts"
- New Play Exchange This link opens in a new windowThe world's largest digital library of scripts by living writers.More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- LitFinder (Gale Literature) This link opens in a new windowAccess poems, plays, speeches, short stories. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- Literature Online This link opens in a new windowIndividual collections of poetry, fiction, drama & much more. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index This link opens in a new windowAs a part of Web of Science, the Arts & Humanities Citation Index is a multidisciplinary database indexing more than 1,100 arts and humanities journals, as well as relevant references from over 6,800 science and social sciences periodicals. It is international in scope. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY