Theatre - Finding Monologues, Playscripts, and Dialogues: Online Resources
Finding Monologues
- Acting Monologues - BackstageThis page provides over 800 monologues that can be filtered by author, play title, gender, age range, and more.
- Non-Binary MonologuesThis website compiles monologues written for non-binary actors.
- Monologue ArchiveMonologue Archive allows you to browse monologues by gender, genre, age group, and playwright.
- Shakespeare's MonologuesA compilation of Shakespeare's monologues organized first by gender and then alphabetically by genre.
Play Discovery
- UCI Drama Library TagpackerThis tool can help you discover plays based on tags created by the University of California, Irvine Libraries. The tags allow you to filter plays by genre, cast identity, playwright identity, premiere year, and more. You can then search for a specific play using other resources, such as the UB Libraries Catalog and New Play Exchange.
- Inter-PlayOnline index to plays in collections, anthologies and periodicals from the late 19th century on.
- Dramatists Play ServiceUse this tool to search plays published by Dramatists Play Service. You can also browse plays by multiple categories.
Finding Scripts
- Scripts.comA collection of movie scripts, screenplays, and transcripts.
- Concord TheatricalsSearch for plays and musicals or browse featured titles and collections. Scripts are available for purchase.
- Nick Hern BooksUK publisher with over 1,500 plays and theatre books for purchase.
- Stageplays Script FinderA collection of play and musical scripts for purchase. Filter plays by cast, genre, and nation.
- HaveScripts Play IndexBrowse the Play Index or search using the Find a Play tab. Scripts are available for purchase.