NYS Legislature, Legislative Bill and Veto Jackets
1905, 1921-2001 (Microform) MicFiche | KFN5006 .L44 (Koren AV- 5th floor); [NEW] Some of these older bill jackets (1905, 1921-1994) are also available online in the digital NYS Bill Jacket Collection (from the NYS Archives)-- FILTER on the left using the facets.
2002-2005 (CD) CD-ROM KFN5014 .N49 (Koren AV- 5th floor);
1995-2021+ Online New York State Archives Digital Collections -- Bill and Veto Jackets.
1996-2018+Westlaw* (Law Students & Faculty Only)
New York State Archives Digital Collections1995+
May contain copies of the bill and various amendments, sponsors' or governor's memorandum as well as reports and letters from State departments, legislators, standing or joint legislative committees, bar associations, lobbyists and private citizens. Information on obtaining copies of the current year’s Bill and Veto Jackets is available from the Governor's Counsel Office at 518-474-7182. Earlier years (1905, 1921-1994) may be available in the digital NYS Bill Jacket collection or by calling the NYS Archives at 518-474-8955.
New York State Legislative and Executive Department Hearings Transcripts on Microfiche, 1980-1989 US/N7 004.7 N62 (Koren AV)
Includes two printed indexes: one by date of hearing, one by the name of the committee holding the hearing. To identify hearings by subject, use the Legislative Library file in the Legislative Retrieval System (L.R.S.). [NOTE: Index and Microfiche WITHDRAWN]
Assembly Sponsors' Memoranda, 1983-1990 Law Library Microforms MicFiche KFN5005 .M46 ; Westlaw*: NY-Legis and NY-Legis-Old, 1996+
Arranged in bill number order. Memos for all introduced bills are included.
Senate Sponsors' Memoranda, 1983-1990 Law Library Microforms MicFiche KFN5005 .M47; Westlaw*: NY-Legis and NY-Legis-Old, 1996+
Arranged in bill number order. Memos for all introduced bills are included.
McKinney's Session Laws of New York, 1951+ KFN5025 .M3 (NY Core)
Consolidated Laws Service Session Laws, 1976+ US/N7 002.5 N472 (NY Core)
Include Judicial Conference Reports, Law Revision Commission Reports, Legislative reports and memoranda, and governor's messages and memoranda
New York State Legislative Annual, 1946+ KFN 5721 .A15 N49 (NY Core); Westlaw*: NY-Legis and NY-Legis-Old (1996+) (law students only)
Supporting memoranda of legislators or agencies recommending measures enacted in a given year; governor's memoranda on bills approved and vetoed.
New York State Law Revision Commission. Report of the Law Revision Commission, 1935-1994 KFN 5078.5 N49
Text of proposed revision of existing New York statutes plus recommendations and studies of the Commission.
New York State. Office of Court Administration. Report of the Chief Administrator of the Courts, 1978+ KFN 5950 A73 J8
An annual publication that describes the objectives, structure, administration and financing of the courts in New York. These reports contain suggestions for legislative and rule revision. This publication continues:
New York State Legislative Documents Series, 1830-1975 (some volumes missing), 3rd Floor State Core KFN 5005 N48
These are reports to the Legislature by various departments, institutions, special commissions and joint legislative committees. Documents published after 1975 can be located by using the Online Catalog. Use the name of the department [dept], commission, etc., as author. E.g., New York State Dept of Correction or New York State Commission on Revision of the Penal Law and Criminal Code
For legislative documents prior to 1830, consult the N. Y. Senate and Assembly Journals. 3rd Floor State Core
Annotated List and Indexes of the New York State Legislative Document Series 1919-1975, 7 vol.: v.5 subject, v.6 keyword J 87 N7f C38 1986 (Ref)
Annotated Lists and Indexes of the New York State Assembly and Senate Document Series 1831-1918, 3 vol. J 87 N7f C37 1992 (Ref)
General Index to the Legislative Documents of the State of New York from 1777 to 1888, Inclusive KFN 5001 N53 1891a (Ref); Also HeinOnline
Cumulative Index to Joint Legislative Committees and Selected Temporary Commissions, 1900-1965 JK 3466 .A54 1966 (Ref)
Assembly Bills
Senate Bills
The Library receives paper copies of bills as they are introduced and binds them after the legislative session ends.
New York Legislative Service, 1941, 1951-1980 KFN 5006 N49
Looseleaf service indexing New York bills by subject and sponsor. Gives chapter number for bills which became law and status for all bills.
State of New York Legislative Digest, 1985+ KFN 5007 N435 (Ref)
Indexes New York bills by subject, sponsor and chapter number. Includes the status of all introduced bills. Governor's approval & veto memoranda, and executive orders are included in full text.
New York Legislative Record and Index, 1912-1984 KFN 5007 N435 (Ref)
Indexes New York bills by subject and sponsor. Gives chapter numbers for bills which became law and gives the status of all bills.
Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York KFN5014 .N46
This is a daily record of parliamentary and official action in the Legislature. Roll call votes are listed. Until 1830 legislative documents were included in the Journals.
Journal of the Senate of the State of New York KFN5014 .N47
This is a daily record of parliamentary and official action in the Legislature. Roll call votes are listed. Until 1830 legislative documents were included in the Journals.
Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Committee on State Legislation
Comment on pending legislation offering explanation of a bill's intent and analysis of defects.
Empire State Report, 1974+ JK 3401 E46 & E465
Magazine of politics and government in New York State; helpful on major current legislation.
Legislative Gazette KFN5005 .L44 (Law Library Oversize); also Legislative Gazette Online
A weekly newspaper reporting on activities of the New York State legislature.
NYSBA, Legislation Report 1984+ KFN 5014 L44
Superseded volumes of McKinney's Consolidated Laws of New York and Consolidated Laws Service are shelved on the 6th Floor. These are sometimes useful in tracing the history of New York laws.
*Law Students & Faculty Only