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Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences: Antiracism and Health Equity

Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences research resources
Last Updated: Mar 20, 2025 4:51 PM

Books: Issues Present and Past

Research Literature

Avant, N. D., & Gillespie, G. L. (2019). Pushing for health equity through structural competency and implicit bias education: A qualitative evaluation of a racial/ethnic health disparities elective course for pharmacy learners. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching & Learning, 11(4), 382–393. UB Libraries Link

Chisholm-Burns, M., Spivey, C., Gatwood, J., Wiss, A., Hohmeier, K., & Erickson, S. (2017). Evaluation of racial and socioeconomic disparities in medication pricing and pharmacy access and services. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 74(10), 653–668. UB Libraries Link

Lorenc, T., Petticrew, M., Welch, V., & Tugwell, P. (2013). What types of interventions generate inequalities? Evidence from systematic reviews. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 67(2), 190–193. UB Libraries Link

Martin, A., Downing, J., Maden, M., Fleeman, N., Alfirevic, A., Haycox, A., & Pirmohamed, M. (2017). An assessment of the impact of pharmacogenomics on health disparities: A systematic literature review. Pharmacogenomics, 18(16), 1541-1550. UB Libraries Link

Nooruddin, M., Scherr, C., Friedman, P., Subrahmanyam, R., Banagan, J., Moreno, D., Sathyanarayanan, M., Nutescu, E., Jeyaram, T., Harris, M., Zhang, H., Rodriguez, A., Shaazuddin, M., Perera, M., & Tuck, M. (2020). Why African Americans say "no": A study of pharmacogenomic research participation. Ethnicity & Disease, 30(Suppl 1), 159-166. doi:10.18865/ed.30.S1.159 Publisher provided PDF  UB Libraries Link

Pednekar, P., & Peterson, A. (2018). Mapping pharmacy deserts and determining accessibility to community pharmacy services for elderly enrolled in a State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program. PloS One, 13(6), e0198173–e0198173. UB Libraries Link

Qato, D. M., Daviglus, M. L., Wilder, J., Lee, T., Qato, D., & Lambert, B. (2014). 'Pharmacy deserts' are prevalent in Chicago's predominantly minority communities, raising medication access concerns. Health Affairs (Project Hope), 33(11), 1958–1965. UB Libraries Link

Thomson, K., Hillier-Brown, F., Walton, N., Bilaj, M., Bambra, C., & Todd, A. (2019). The effects of community pharmacy-delivered public health interventions on population health and health inequalities: A review of reviews. Preventive Medicine, 124, 98–109. UB Libraries Link

Broadening the Scope

Acknowledging that this is only a snapshot of complex and overlapping issues of race and health equity, the following PubMed search broadly collects publications at the crossroads of pharmacy and social justice issues including race and antiracism, decolonization, gender discrimination, gender identity, sexual orientation, ableism, and cultural competency. It is limited to works published in the last five years. At the time the search was built, it retrieved 192 results, but as time moves forward and new research is added, this number will change.

Additional Research Guides

Consult additional research guides to approach the issues from another direction or in a different context.

News and Other Resources

Anthony, C. (2019, June 27). How black pharmacists are closing the cultural gap in health care. KHN.

Bonner, L. (2021, October 1). Increase in Black pharmacists comes almost entirely from Black women, according to new data. Pharmacy Today, 27(10). 
Associated article from JAMA Network Open

Edney, H. T. (2020, November). Through the roof prescription drug prices hit communities of color the hardest. The Louisiana Weekly.

Gonsalves, G., Kapczynski, A., & Herman, D. (2021, February 26). We'll never reach herd immunity if we don't vaccinate more non-White people. Washington Post.

Kim, S. R., Schumaker, E., Nichols, M., & Simon, E. (2021, March 6). ‘Pharmacy deserts’ are new front in the race to vaccinate for COVID-19. ABC News.

Kingson, J. A. (2021, January 7). The growth of “pharmacy deserts”. Axios.

Sutton, K. (Host). (2021, May 28). Vaccine Voices: Promoting Equity in Vaccine Access (No. 3) [Audio podcast episode]. In Beyond the White Coat. AAMC.

World Health Organization. (2020). (In)Equity 2.0: Addressing health inequalities in a digital world.

In Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Education

Browse issues of the following journals via Browzine:

Antrim, A. (2021, December 6). Teaching systemic racism in pharmacy curriculum is essential to improving health equity. Pharmacy Careers, 15(2), 14-15.

Butler, L. M., Arya, V., Nonyel, N. P., & Moore, T. S. (2021). Developing a framework to address health equity and racism within pharmacy education: Rx-HEART. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 85(6), 1–12. UB Libraries Link

Kiles, T. M., Cernasev, A., Tran, B., & Chisholm-Burns, M. (2021). Effects of racial trauma on black Doctor of Pharmacy students. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 85(9). UB Libraries Link

Kiles, T. M., Jasmin, H., Nichols, B., Haddad, R., & Renfro, C. P. (2020). A scoping review of active-learning strategies for teaching social determinants of health in pharmacy. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 84(11), 1482–1490. UB Libraries Link

Robinson, K., Drame, I., Turner, M. R., & Brown, C. (2021). Antiracism Teaching in Pharmacy Education: Developing the "Upstreamist". American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 85(6), 1–13. UB Libraries Link

Vyas, D., Ziegler, L., & Galal, S. M. (2021). A telehealth-based interprofessional education module focused on social determinants of health. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching & Learning, 13(8), 1067–1072. UB Libraries Link

AccessPharmacy provides faculty with a guide to Diversity in Pharmacy resources, including textbooks and chapters addressing topics within these areas.

Land Acknowledgement

Hiawatha Belt of the HaudenosauneeLand Acknowledgement Statement

We would like to begin by acknowledging the land on which the University at Buffalo operates, which is the territory of the Seneca Nation, a member of the Haudenosaunee/Six Nations Confederacy. This territory is covered by The Dish with One Spoon Treaty of Peace and Friendship, a pledge to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. It is also covered by the 1794 Treaty of Canandaigua, between the United States Government and the Six Nations Confederacy, which further affirmed Haudenosaunee land rights and sovereignty in the State of New York. Today, this region is still the home to the Haudenosaunee people, and we are grateful for the opportunity to live, work, and share ideas in this territory.

Please visit UB Office of Inclusive Excellence, Indigenous Inclusion for further resources, events, information, and ways to get involved.