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Publication Research Help: Google Scholar Profile

Last Updated: Mar 5, 2025 4:15 PM

Google Scholar Profile

Creating a profile in Google Scholar is a popular way to highlight your articles, books, and book chapters. Google Scholar will generate an H index based on your cited works. Google Scholar counts citations from any online source: articles, white papers, slides, etc.

H-index in Google Scholar:  The h-index of a publication is the largest number h such that at least h articles in that publication were cited at least h times each. For example, a publication with five articles cited by, respectively, 17, 9, 6, 3, and 2, has the h-index of 3.

Create a basic profile

Step 1: Create a Google account or sign in if you already have an account.

Step 2: Go to Google Scholar's home page and click on My Profile in the upper left corner of the page. 

Step 3: Follow the instructions, add in your affiliation information and your email address. (Validate the email address, an email will be sent to you asking for validation).

Step 4: Add in any keywords that is related to your research and add a link from the SAP faculty page.

Step 5: Add a photo to personalize your profile. Check box to make profile public.

Adding in Publications

Google Scholar will present a list of publications that may be yours. Check the box that are your publications. 

If you don't have a common name, click the box for Google Scholar to automatically update your profile.

To add articles and books:

Click the + button below your photo to add articles to your profile in the grey toolbar. By clicking on the Add Articles, Google Scholar will create a list of articles that you may have published. By clicking, Add Articles Manually, you can chose to add articles, conference proceedings, chapters, books, thesis, patents, court case, and other.

If you have duplicate citations, check the box and then click on Merge in the grey toolbar.

To delete a citation, check the box and click on Delete in the grey toolbar.

Add any co-authors by clicking on the Edit link on the right side and search for co-authors.

Exporting citations

Step 1: Check the box of the citations you want to export

Step 2: Click on Export in the grey toolbar. Export to: BibTeX, EndNote, RefMan, CSV