Publication Research Help: Peer Reviewed Architecture Journals
Association of Architecture School Librarians (AASL) Core Periodical List
- AASL Core Periodical ListThe Core Periodical List is a reference list created by architecture librarians of core professional, trade, and scholarly periodicals for programs in Architecture.
- Journal Rankings on Architecture -SCImagoThis indicator shows the visibility of the journals contained in the Scopus® database from 1996.
- Open Policy FinderAn online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of self-archiving permissions and conditions of rights given to authors on a journal-by-journal basis.
For self-archiving policies:
1. Check your author agreement/contract.
2. Check Open Policy Finder
3. Check publisher’s website for author rights and/or sharing policies.
Peer Reviewed Architecture Journals held in APL
- APT BulletinPrint: 1986 - current
Online: 1986 - 2018 - Architectural History: the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great BritainPrint: 1967- 29=009, 2011- 2016
Online: 1958 - most recent 4 years not available. - ArchNet-IJAR: International journal of architectural researchOpen Access Online: 2007 - 2018
- ARQOnline Open Access: 2001 - current
- Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture ForumOnline: 2007 - current
- Environment and Planning. B: Urban analytics and city scienceOnline but not all issues are available (use Delivery+)
- Future Anterior: journal of historic preservation history, theory & criticismPrint: 2004 -2005
Online: 2004 - 2017 - Harvard Design MagazinePrint: 1998 - current
- JAPA: Journal of the American Planning AssociationPrint (Annex): 1997 - 2017
Online: 1979 - current - Journal of Architectural and Planning ResearchPrint: 1992 - current
Online: 1984 - (recent 4 years are not available) - Journal of Architectural Education (JAE)Print Shared Collection: 1984- 2016 (use Delivery+
Online: 1999 - 2012 - Journal of Architectural EngineeringPrint (Empire Shared): 1995 - 2009
Online: 1995 - current - Journal of Green BuildingPrint: 2009 - 2010
Online: 2006 - current - Journal of the Society of Architectural HistoriansPrint (Empire Shared use Delivery+) 1974 - 2016
Online: 1945 - 2015, 2019 - Metu Journal of the Faculty of ArchitectureOnline: 2010 -2014
- MuqarnasPrint (Lockwood): 1997 - 2010
Online: 1983 - most recent 4 year(s) not available. - Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed LandscapesPrint: 1998 - 2011
Online: access only to open access articles - Traditional Dwellings and Settlements ReviewOnline: 2013 - current
- West 86th : a journal of decorative arts, design history, and material culture.Online: 2011 - current