Publication Research Help: Peer Reviewed Planning Journals
List of Peer Reviewed Planning Journals
- Journal Rankings on Urban Studies - SCImagoThis indicator shows the visibility of the journals contained in the Scopus® database from 1996.
- Open Policy FinderAn online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of self-archiving permissions and conditions of rights given to authors on a journal-by-journal basis.
For self-archiving policies:
1. Check your author agreement/contract.
2. Check Open Policy Finder
3. Check publisher’s website for author rights and/or sharing policies.
Peer Reviewed Planning Journals Held in APL
- Children, Youth and EnvironmentsOnline: 2003 - most recent 4 year(s) not available.
- Cities (The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning)Print (Empire Shared): 1986 - 2004
Online: 1995 - current - Environment and planning. C, Government and policyPrint (Empire Shared): 1983 - 2015
Online 1999 - current - International Regional Science ReviewPrint (Empire Shared): 1975 - 2007
Online: 1975 - current - Journal of the American Planning AssociationPrint (Annex): 1979 - 2017
Online - 1979 - current - Journal of Urban AffairsPrint (Empire Shared): 1982 - 2003
Online: 1995 - most recent 1 year(s) 6 month(s) not available. - Journal of water resources planning and managementPrint (Empire Shared): 1983 - 2998
Online: 1983 - current - Transactions of the Institute of British GeographersPrint (Empire Shared): 1965 - 20015
Online: 1965 - current