Rudy Bruner Award Collection: 1987
1987 Gold Medal
Pike Place Market
Seattle, WA
farmers' markets
food security
mixed-income housing
mixed-use developments
retail development
historic districts
historic preservation
social services
community development
public-private sector cooperation
- The Market as Organizer of an Urban Community, Pike Place Martket, Seattlechapter excerpt from: Urban Excellence
APA citation:
Langdon, P., Shibley, R. G., & Welch, P. (1990). Urban excellence. (pp. 15-63) Van Nostrand Reinhold.
1987 Silver Medals
Casa Rita
Bronx, NY
transitional housing
emergency housing
supportive housing
social services
community development
- A Human Response to Homelessness, Casa Rita, Bronx, NYchapter excerpt from: Urban Excellence
APA citation:
Langdon, P., Shibley, R. G., & Welch, P. (1990). Urban excellence. (pp. 127-154) Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Fairmount Health Center
Philadelphia, PA
community health centers
adaptive reuse
public health
social services
- The Community Clinic as Urban Inspiration, Fairmount Health Center, Philadelphiachapter excerpt from: Urban Excellence
APA citation:
Langdon, P., Shibley, R. G., & Welch, P. (1990). Urban excellence. (pp. 155-180) Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Quality Hill
Kansas City, MO
mixed-use developments
retail development
mixed-income housing
historic districts
public-private sector cooperation
- Establishing a New Downtown Community, Quality Hill in Kansas City, Missourichapter excerpt from: Urban Excellence
APA citation:
Langdon, P., Shibley, R. G., & Welch, P. (1990). Urban excellence. (pp. 99-125) Van Nostrand Reinhold.
St. Francis Square
San Francisco, CA
low-income housing
mixed-income housing
cooperative housing
low-density housing
- A Housing Complex as a Way of Life, St. Francis Square, San Francisochapter excerpt from: Urban Excellence
APA citation:
Langdon, P., Shibley, R. G., & Welch, P. (1990). Urban excellence. (pp. 65-98) Van Nostrand Reinhold.
1987 Corresponding Publications
Urban Excellence by
Call Number: APL: HT167 .L32 1990Publication Date: 1990Excellence in the urban environment -- Market as organizer of an urban community -- Housing complex as a way of life -- Establishing a new downtown community -- Humane response to homelessness -- Community clinic as urban inspiration -- Lessons of the first Rudy Bruner award competition.
Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA
Casa Rita, Bronx, NY
Fairmount Health Center, Philadelphia, PA
Quality Hill, Kansas City, MO
St. Francis Square, San Francisco, CA
APA Citation:
Langdon, P., Shibley, R. G., & Welch, P. (1990). Urban excellence. Van Nostrand Reinhold.