Rudy Bruner Award Collection: 1989
1989 Gold Medals
Portland Downtown Plan
Portland, OR
mixed-use developments
historic districts
mixed-income housing
public transit
public spaces
historic preservation
retail development
public art
urban beautification
public-private sector cooperation
transit-oriented development
central business districts
- Portland's 1972 Downtown Plan: Rebirth of the Public Citychapter excerpt from: Breakthroughs: Re-Creating the American City
APA citation:
Peirce, N. R., & Guskind, R. (1993). Breakthroughs : re-creating the American city. (pp. 51-81) Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
Tenant Interim Lease Program
New York, NY
low-income housing
cooperative housing
urban homesteading
tenants' associations
- Home Ownership in the New York City's Ravaged Neighborhoodschapter excerpt from: Breakthroughs: Re-Creating the Amerian City
APA citation:
Peirce, N. R., & Guskind, R. (1993). Breakthroughs : re-creating the American city. (pp. 21-50) Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
1989 Silver Medals
Cabrillo Village
Saticoy, CA
low-income housing
cooperative housing
community development
- Farm Workers' Own Housing: Self Help in Cabrillo Villagechapter excerpt from: Breakthroughs: Re-Creating the American City
APA citation:
Peirce, N. R., & Guskind, R. (1993). Breakthroughs : re-creating the American city. (pp. 141-165) Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
Radial Reuse Project
Lincoln, NE
mixed-use developments
housing rehabilitation
public spaces
recreation areas
low-income housing
mixed-income housing
housing rehabilitation
public-private sector cooperation
- Lincoln's Radical Reuse: A Quiet Plains Revolutionchapter except from: Breakthroughs: Re-Creating the American City
APA citation:
Peirce, N. R., & Guskind, R. (1993). Breakthroughs : re-creating the American city. (pp. 115-139) Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
Southwest Corridor Project
Boston, MA
public transit
community development
environmental planning
transit-oriented development
- Boston's Southwest Corridor: People Make Historychapter experpt: Breakthroughs: Re-Creating the American City
APA citation:
Peirce, N. R., & Guskind, R. (1993). Breakthroughs : re-creating the American city. (pp. 83-114) Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
Stowe Recreation Path
Stowe, VT
environmental planning
recreation areas
public spaces
- Stowe Recreation Path: Common Groundchapter extract from: Breakthrough Re-Creating the American City
APA citation:
Peirce, N. R., & Guskind, R. (1993). Breakthroughs : re-creating the American city. (pp. 167-185) Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
1989 Corresponding Publications
Breakthroughs: re-creating the American city by
Call Number: APL: NA9105 .P45 1993Publication Date: 1993Large or small, America's cities have had a difficult time generating admiration, respect, or understanding. They have served the nation as sources of commerce, finance, and the arts. They have taken millions of new Americans from their point of entry and helped newcomers elevate themselves economically into the American mainstream. In recent years, the greatest of cities have become command centers of a new global economy. However, the headlines from urban America proclaim riot, decline, and despair. This book is different, it is about solutions: the breakthroughs--the indicators that can serve as models for neighborhoods, communities, and cities in the twenty-first century.
Portland Downtown Plan, Portland, OR
Tenant Interim Lease Program, New York, NY
Cabrillo Village, Saticoy, CA
Radial Reuse Project, Lincoln, NE
Southwest Corridor Project, Boston, MA
Stowe Recreation Path, Stowe, VT
APA Citation:
Peirce, N. R., & Guskind, Robert. (1993). Breakthroughs : re-creating the American city. Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.