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Rudy Bruner Award Collection: 2005

Last Updated: Mar 1, 2024 12:17 PM

2005 Gold Medal

Portland Streetcar Project
Portland, OR

Portland Streetcar

public transit
transit-oriented development
public-private sector cooperation
environmental planning
brownfield remediation


APA citation:

Shibley, R.(2005). Portland Streetcar Project. Portland, Oregon. In Reinventing downtown : 2005 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence., edited by Shibley, R., Axelrod, E., Farbstein, J., & Wener, R. (pp. 3-43) Bruner Foundation.

2005 Silver Medals

Downtown Silver Spring
Silver Spring, MD

Silver Spring

central business districts
public-private sector cooperation
mixed-use developments
retail development
public spaces
transit-oriented development


APA citation:

Wener, R.(2005). Downtown Silver Spring. Silver Spring, Maryland. In Reinventing downtown : 2005 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence., edited by Shibley, R., Axelrod, E., Farbstein, J., & Wener, R. (pp. 47-87) Bruner Foundation.

Fruitvale Village
Oakland, CA

Fruitvale village

transit-oriented development
public transit
social services
mixed-use developments
retail development
public spaces
community development
urban beautification
public-private sector cooperation
mixed-income housing
low-income housing


APA citation:

Farbstein, J.(2005). Fruitvale Village. Oakland, California. In Reinventing downtown : 2005 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence., edited by Shibley, R., Axelrod, E., Farbstein, J., & Wener, R. (pp. 81-109) Bruner Foundation.

The Heidelberg Project
Detroit, MI


public art
public spaces
art education
youth programs
community development
urban beautification


APA citation:

Axelrod, E.(2005). Heidelberg Project. Detroit, Michigan. In Reinventing downtown : 2005 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence., edited by Shibley, R., Axelrod, E., Farbstein, J., & Wener, R. (pp. 147-175) Bruner Foundation.

Lower Town Artist Relocation Program
Paducah, KY

Lower town artist

artists' studios
historic districts
community development
art education
housing rehabilitation
public-private sector cooperation
historic preservation


APA citation:

Axelrod, E.(2005). Lower Town Artist Relocation Program. Paducah, Kentucky. In Reinventing downtown : 2005 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence., edited by Shibley, R., Axelrod, E., Farbstein, J., & Wener, R. (pp. 113-143) Bruner Foundation.

2005 Corresponding Publication

APA Citation:

Shibley, R., Axelrod, E., Farbstein, J., & Wener, R. (2005). Reinventing downtown : 2005 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence. Bruner Foundation.