Topographic Maps: Home
What are topographic maps?
Topographic maps contain data on the natural features of the land, such as elevations, contours, water bodies, and other features, plus they may also contain man-made features such as roads, railroads, buildings and structures, etc. The main concept of topographic maps is that they show the way the landscape would appear if viewed from above. A detailed history of the USGS topographic map program describes the creation of this valuable series. For more on the USGS topographic maps, see:
- What is a Topographic Map? Brief instructional answers about topo maps.
- Gateway to all USGS maps, imagery, and publications.
Finding Topographic Maps
- See our Indexes page for information on using Index Maps to find topographic maps
- You can use also Index Maps at the United States Geological Survey and Natural Resources Canada to locate topographic maps for the United States and Canada.