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Treaty Sources: US Treaty Sources

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This page refers to resources for researching treaties and other international international agreements to which the U.S. is a party

Note that these sources can also be useful for locating specific treaties to which other countries are party (if the U.S. is also).

Citation Format

Abbreviations - US Treaty Sources

BEVANS - Treaties and Other International Agreements of the U.S. compiled by Bevans

CTIA - Oceana’s treaty classification number used in TIARA (UB does not own)

EAS - Executive Agreement Series

ILM - International Legal Materials

KAV - Hein's United States Treaties and Other International Agreements Current Service

STAT - U.S. Statutes at Large

TD, T. Doc - Senate Treaty Documents

TIAS - Treaties and Other International Acts Series

TS - Treaty Series

UST - U.S. Treaties and Other International Agreements

Research Guides - Treaties

See other guides:



Sample Subject searches:

united states--foreign relations--treaties

convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction

Sample Keyword search:

treaties collections convention "child abduction"



18 U.S.C. (U.S.C.A., U.S.C.S.) Sec. 3181: Historical notes list all treaties with date and country.


CCH Tax Treaties,KF6306 .U55
Full text of US treaties with foreign countries covering income and estate taxes. Includes annotations, regulations, and current reports of new developments, and finding lists.


U.S. - Mexican Treaties, Westin, comp. Hein, 1996+; KZ236.3 .M6 U5512 vol. compilation of bilateral and multilateral treaties and agreements.


United States Treaty Index: 1776-1990 Consolidation, Buffalo:W.S. Hein, 1991, 12 vol. Plus supp. & 1995 revision vol. KZ235 .U58 
Updated by Current Treaty Index.

  • v. 1. Master guide (in numerical order) TS, EAS, and TD series
  • v. 2. Master guide (in numerical order) TIAS series (numbers 1501-4721)
  • v. 3. Master guide (in numerical order) TIAS series (numbers 4722-7987)
  • v. 4. Master guide (in numerical order) TIAS series (numbers 7988-11057)
  • v. 5. Master guide (in numerical order) KAV series (numbers 1- 2500)
  • v. 6. Chronological index, 1776-1967
  • v. 7. Chronological index, 1968-1990
  • v. 8. Country index, Abu Dhabi to Luxembourg
  • v. 9. Country index, Macao to Zimbabwe and multilateral
  • v. 10. Subject index, A-I
  • v. 11. Subject index, J-Z
  • v. 12. Geographical subject index.

Current Treaty Index, Buffalo:W.S. Hein, KZ235  .U582
Semi-annual update to above title. Includes indexing of agreements not yet published in official UST and TIAS. Also includes KAV/TIAS and TIAS/KAV conversion tables.

Hein's U.S. Treaty Index on CD-ROM, Igor Kavass, Ed. Koren Center
Index to US treaties and international agreements the U.S. has entered into from 1776 to date. Guide is "Hein's U.S. Treaty Index on CD-ROM: Instructions". Serves as index to Hein’s United States Treaties and Other International Agreements current service on microform in Koren AV Center.

Thomas Treaties
"Treaties may be searched by: Congress, Treaty Number, Word/Phrase, Type of Treaty, and Date of Transmission. The Word/Phrase option searches all parts of the Treaty record but not the text of the treaty itself..." Covers 1967-present.

Treaty Number Conversion Table (Scroll down about half-way)."Prior to the 97th Congress, treaties were identified by a letter, the Congress and session numbers. Since the 97th Congress, treaties are identified with the Congress and a one-up number. The purpose of this table is to convert the old system of identifying (numbering) treaties to the new one."



Congressional Index (CCH), Fed Core KF49 .C6
See Senate volume. One section tracks treaties pending before the Senate, with references to Senate Treaty Documents, Senate Executive Reports, hearings, and ratifications. Updated weekly.

US. Department of State Dispatch, 1990- (1991-1995), KZ 231 U83; (1992-1995) MicFiche KZ 231 U83; Lockwood Documents 1990-1998: US S 1.3/ 5
Weekly publication includes monthly feature called "Treaty Actions" which tracks world treaty developments affecting treaties, agreements or international relations of the U.S. Use to update treaty status from last Treaties in Force. Replaced earlier title: Department of State Bulletin.

Treaties in Force: A List of Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States in Force on January 1, 19--, Washington, D.C.: US GPO, 1956+; Law Library has only 1965+, KZ 235 T74; Current ed. Reference
HeinOnline: 1929-2005
One volume annual indexes bilateral and multilateral agreements. Cites only.

Kavass, A Guide to the United States Treaties in Force, Buffalo: W.S. Hein, 1983+ KZ 235.3 U55; Current ed. Reference
HeinOnline: 1982-2004
Part I Numerical lists of treaties with citations
Part II Subject lists, country lists
Part III Chronological; Directory by country or international organization
Current Treaty Action Supplement provides updating
Provides access points and up to date citations for treaties listed in Treaties in Force
Separately lists items included in prior edition & not in current edition, and items newly added. KAV numbers assigned where TIAS # not available yet. Transfer table from new State Dept. accession number, eg., 90-123, begun in 1990.

Legislative Activities: Treaties
Tracks recent treaty actions through advice & consent, ratification or rejection.


United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (UST) Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of State, 1950+, KZ 235.3 .U55
LEXIS: U.S. Treaties on LEXIS
HeinOnline:UST (V.1-35; 1950-1984)
Official bound publication of U.S. treaties and agreements published in order by TIAS number. Texts in English and all other official languages of the agreement. Contains treaties and agreements beginning with 1950. Current to 1984.

Treaties and Other International Acts Series, (TIAS) Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1946+ Lockwood, KZ235.32 .U55
LEXIS: U.S. treaties on LEXIS
HeinOnline: TIAS
Official "slip" treaties published in pamphlet form beginning in 1946, continuing the TS (Treaty Series) and EAS (Executive Agreement Series). The first TIAS pamphlet was numbered 1501. Eventually TIAS numbered treaties are published in the bound UST volumes.

Hein's United States Treaties and Other International Agreements -- Current Service (microfiche), Buffalo, NY: W.S. Hein, 1990+ (TIAS 10477+ , KAV 02+ ) MicFiche KZ235.32 .U56
Text of and cumulative index to recent treaties and agreements not yet published in TIAS and TIAS treaties and agreements not yet published in UST. Those treaties not yet assigned a TIAS number have been organized by KAV (Kavass) number in this service. Guide available. In 1990 the State Dept. began an accession numbering system, eg. "90-1, 90-2, etc.” Guide transfers these numbers to KAV number. Also indexed in Hein’s U.S. Treaty Index on cd-rom at Reference.

Senate Executive Documents (1946-1980)
1970-2006 CIS Microfiche Collection LAW Koren MicFiche KF49 .C623  (6th floor);
1946+ Capen Multimedia Center MicFiche J 35 U54 1987
Proposed treaties, up to the 97th Congress were transmitted to the Senate by the Executive branch along with letters of transmittal and other documentation in a Senate Executive Document. Each treaty was numbered by a letter designation, the Congress, and the session during which it was transmitted. Indexed in
ProQuest Congressional  (database);
CIS Index to US Senate Executive Documents & Reports KF 40 .C553 1987 (Law Library)  and
Lockwood Reference J 35 U54 1987 Index

Senate Executive Documents and Reports microfiche collection, Capen Multimedia Center MicFiche J 35 U54 1987
Senate executive documents and reports printed 1817-1969. Senate Executive Reports are the Committee’s statements advising the Senate on handling the treaties.

Senate Treaty Documents (TD) 1970+ CIS Microfiche Collection Law Koren MicFiche KF49 .C623
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations issues TDs beginning with the 97th Congress (1981+ ). Included in TDs are texts of proposed treaties, letters of transmittal and additional information submitted to the Senate. TDs are indexed in the CIS Index, the CCH Congressional Index and the Monthly Catalog. See also Senate, House and Treaty Documents (104th Congress +)

CIS Microfiche Collection, Washington, D.C.: CIS, 1970+ Index at Reference, Micro in Koren AV Center
Includes full text of Congressional publications including Senate Executive Documents and Senate Treaty Documents.

Proquest Congressional

International Legal Materials, Washington, D.C.: American Society of International Law, 1962+, JX68 .I5 (6th floor; most current issues in REF).
WESTLAW: ILM database (1980+ )
LEXIS Classic: International Legal Materials (v.1+,1962+ )
HeinOnline:(v.1+; 1962-)
Reprints full text of important international documents, including treaties and other international agreements, in very timely fashion.

*Westlaw/Lexis access restricted to law students only


United States Statutes at Large (Stat.) Washington, D.C.:US GPO, Fed Core KF50 .U5
Also on CD-ROM in Koren Center
Westlaw: US-STATLRG (1789-1972)
HeinOnline Vols. 7-8 (1848, 1867)
Official source for US treaties and agreements from 1776-1950. Vol. 8 contains all treaties from 1776-1845, thereafter in annual sessional volumes. Volumes 47-64 included Executive Agreements. An Index to all treaties and agreements in volumes 1-64 is included in Vol. 64, part 3, arranged by country and then topic. Indian treaties included through volume 16. After 1950, UST is the official source for U.S. treaties and agreements.

Treaty Series (TS) Washington, D.C.: US GPO, 1908-1946 Lockwood JX235.9 A3. Treaty Series (TS) Washington, D.C.: US GPO on HeinOnline 
Official "slip" treaty series began as an unnumbered series including both treaties and international agreements in the 1800s. Only treaties were included after 1929 when Executive Agreement Series began. Numbering system began with pamphlet #489 in 1908 and continued through #994 in 1945. Unnumbered pamphlets were eventually published in Bevans. TS pamphlets are also listed in United States Treaty Index. TIAS continues the slip series in 1945 for both treaties and international agreements.

Executive Agreement Series (EAS) Washington, D.C.: US GPO, 1929-1946.
Slip form of agreements; last number is 506; included in United States Treaty Index. EAS and TS replaced by TIAS in 1945
KZ235.3 .U535  (No. 70 to No. 506).
HeinOnline 1929-1946 (UB only)

Bevans, Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America 1776-1949 Washington, D.C.: Dept. of State, 1968-1976, KZ 236 1968
HeinOnline: Vols. 1-13 (1776-1949)
Texts in English only of treaties and international agreements of the US; predecessor to UST. Volumes 1-4 include multilateral treaties arranged chronologically. Volumes 5-12 include bilateral treaties in alphabetical order by country name. Volume 13 includes index. This set generally supersedes the two collections below (Miller & Malloy).

Malloy's Treaties, Conventions, International Acts, Protocols and Agreements Between the U.S. A. and other Powers, Washington, D.C.: US GPO, 1910-1938, KZ236 1910
HeinOnline (v.1-4)1776-1937
Covers 1776-1931. English. Includes annotations and index. Chronological list gives cites to location of texts in TS and Statutes at Large.

Miller's Treaties and Other International Acts of the United States of America, Washington, D.C.: US GPO, 1931-1948 8 vol. KZ 236 1931; Lockwood JX 236 M45
HeinOnline (v.1-8)1776-1863
Covers 1776-1863. English and official languages. Arranged chronologically, includes annotations. No index.

Unperfected Treaties of the United States of America 1776-1976, Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana, 1976-1994 9 vol., KZ236 1976 
Annotated collection of treaties signed by US which never went into force. Index. 

*Westlaw/Lexis access restricted to law students only



Statutes and Regulations

Consult the U.S. Code or USCA or USCS for any implementing legislation. Check the CFR and Federal Register for implementing regulations.


  • Shepards United States Citations - Statutes Edition, US 006.2 A22 (Withdrawn from Collection)
    Use to locate U.S. federal cases citing agreements published in UST, TIAS (post 1950) and Statutes at Large (pre-1950). For state cases, use the state's statute citations. NOTE: Except for Warsaw Convention (49 Stat 3000) and Hague Convention (36 Stat 2199)
    • Note: Coverage of treaties in Shepard's ceased in 1996.
    • Note: Coverage of treaties in Shepard's is not included in the online version of Shepard's (via Lexis).
  • West Digests
    Use the topic outline "Treaties".


  • USCS volume "Notes to Uncodified Laws and Treaties"
    Case annotations of selected multilateral, bilateral and Indian treaties. See also “International Agreements” vol.
    Compose a search based on name and/or citation.


  • Senate Executive Reports, 104th Congress +
  • Senate Executive Documents & Reports (1817-1969), Capen Multimedia Center MicFiche J 35 U54 1987
    Analysis and recommendations regarding proposed treaties and agreements from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Indexed in CIS Index, LEXIS-NEXIS Congressional, Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications, and CIS Index to Senate Executive Documents & Reports; (Lockwood Ref J 35 U54 1987)
  • Senate & House hearings, reports, prints and documents (including treaty documents) indexed from 1789 to present.
  • CIS Legislative Histories, Ref Desk KF 49 C62; Also available online to Law Students via LEXIS
    Legislative histories with abstracts of hearings, prints, reports & documents from 1970 to present. Updated annual in spring.
  • Legislative Activities: Treaties, Tracks recent treaty actions.
  • U.S.C.S. “International Agreements” volume
    ​Includes official texts of 23 core agreements on international civil litigation, alternative dispute resolution, intellectual property, sale of goods, air transportation, and child custody. Includes editorial notes, cross references to related agreements and statutes, references to legal texts and periodicals, references to state & federal cases, and administrative decisions. Indexes each agreement.
    • *Westlaw/Lexis access restricted to law students only