Consumer Health Resources: Physician and Hospital
This page will serve as a resource for members and care givers of the Western New York community interested in consumer health information.
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2024 12:11 PM
Health Sciences Librarians do not provide medical advice or recommend healthcare practitioners. Patients should discuss their health situation with their healthcare providers.
Physician and Hospital Information
- New York State Physician ProfileProfile information for all licensed doctors of medicine and doctors of osteopathy registered to practice medicine in New York State.
- Professional Misconduct and Physician DisciplineA searchable listing of physicians and physician assistants who have been disciplined since 1990.
- US News and World Report's America's Best HospitalsA yearly ranking of hospitals based on selected criteria. The site has an A-Z listing and methodology for selection as well as a searchable list by specialty.
- Hospital CompareAllows the user to compare side-by-side hospitals' ratings according to performance category. For medicare-certified hospitals.
Preparing for Your Doctor Visit
- Make the Most of Your Doctor VisitPreparing ahead for your appointment can help you get the most from your time together.
- Talking with Your Doctor Handouts from NIHProvided by the National Institute on Aging. Contains a guide and checklist for managing your doctor visits, including a suggested list of questions to consider asking your doctor.

Pamela Rose
Health Sciences Library
University at Buffalo
3435 Main St.
Buffalo, NY 14214
University at Buffalo
3435 Main St.
Buffalo, NY 14214