Digital Humanities: Teaching
New York Digital Collections
This list was compiled as a resource for instructors who wish to use New York State-focused digital resources in their classrooms. Some of the institutions listed below solely focus on New York, while others, like the Library of Congress, contain relevant regional collections within their larger holdings. This list is recommended as a starting point but is not intended to be comprehensive.
University at Buffalo Libraries
Buffalo & Erie County Public Library
American Jewish Historical Society
Archives of the Archdiocese of New York
Centro Archive (Puerto Rican Diaspora)
Columbia Center for Oral History Research
Fordham University Bronx African American Oral History Project
Historical Society of the New York Courts
Library of Congress - New York State Digital Collections
Lower East Side Tenement Museum Photo Archive
Museum of the City of New York
The New York Academy of Medicine
New York City Municipal Archives
DH Pedagogy Books
Using Digital Humanities in the Classroom by Rooted in the day-to-day experience of teaching and written for those without specialist technical knowledge, this book is the first practical guide to using digital tools and resources in the humanities classroom. Using Digital Humanities in the Classroom covers such topics as: · Overcoming resistance to technology - your own, your colleagues' and your students' · Finding, evaluating and using digital resources · Designing syllabi and planning classroom activities and assignments · Solving problems when technology goes wrong · Using digital tools for collaborative projects, course work and theses · Enhancing your teaching by finding support communities and connecting to your research Taking a step-by-step approach to incorporating digital humanities tools into your teaching, the book is also supported by a companion website, including tutorials, sample classroom activity prompts and assignments, and a bibliographic essay for each book chapter.
ISBN: 9781350029743Publication Date: 2017-10-05Teaching with Digital Humanities by Jennifer Travis and Jessica DeSpain present a long-overdue collection of theoretical perspectives and case studies aimed at teaching nineteenth-century American literature using digital humanities tools and methods. Scholars foundational to the development of digital humanities join educators who have made digital methods central to their practices. Together they discuss and illustrate how digital pedagogies deepen student learning. The collection's innovative approach allows the works to be read in any order. Dividing the essays into five sections, Travis and DeSpain curate conversations on the value of project-based, collaborative learning; examples of real-world assignments where students combine close, collaborative, and computational reading; how digital humanities aids in the consideration of marginal texts; the ways in which an ethics of care can help students organize artifacts; and how an activist approach affects debates central to the study of difference in the nineteenth century.
ISBN: 9780252042232Publication Date: 2018-11-15Digital Humanities and New Ways of Teaching by This volume includes a variety of first-hand case studies, critical analyses, action research and reflective practice in the digital humanities which ranges from digital literature, library science, online games, museum studies, information literacy to corpus linguistics in the 21st century. It informs readers of the latest developments in the digital humanities and their influence on learning and teaching. With the growing advancement of digital technology, humanistic inquiries have expanded and transformed in unfathomable complexity as new content is being rapidly created. The emergence of electronic archiving, digital scholarship, digitized pedagogy, textual digitization and software creation has brought about huge impacts on both humanities subjects and the university curricula in terms of nature, scope and design. This volume provides insights into what these technological changes mean for all the stakeholders involved and for the ways in which humanities subjects are understood. Part 1 of this volume begins with a broad perspective on digital humanities and discusses the current status of the field in Asia, Canada and Europe. Then, with a special focus on new literacies, educational implications, and innovative research in the digital humanities, Parts 2-4 explore how digital technology revolutionizes art forms, curricula, and pedagogy, revealing the current practices and latest trends in the digital humanities. Written by experts and researchers across Asia, Australia, Canada and Europe, this volume brings global insights into the digital humanities, particularly in the education aspect. It is of interest to researchers and students of cultural studies, literature, education, and technology studies. The strongest point of this collection of work is that, it brings important concepts to the study of digital literacies, for example, looking at it from the perspective of new literacies, languages and education. Daniel Churchill, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong With a rapidly growing advancement in digital tools, this book has made a relevant contribution by informing readers what the latest development of these tools are, and discusses how they can aid research, libraries, education and even poets across different continents. Samuel Kai-wah Chu, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
ISBN: 9789811312762Publication Date: 2019-01-21Digital Humanities Pedagogy by
ISBN: 9781909254251Publication Date: 2012-12-01Digital Humanities by On May 21, 2010, Daniel J. Cohen and Tom Scheinfeldt posted the following provocative questions online: “Can an algorithm edit a journal? Can a library exist without books? Can students build and manage their own learning management platforms? Can a conference be held without a program? Can Twitter replace a scholarly society?” As recently as the mid-2000s, questions like these would have been unthinkable. But today serious scholars are asking whether the institutions of the academy as they have existed for decades, even centuries, aren’t becoming obsolete. Every aspect of scholarly infrastructure is being questioned, and even more importantly, being hacked. Sympathetic scholars of traditionally disparate disciplines are canceling their association memberships and building their own networks on Facebook and Twitter. Journals are being compiled automatically from self-published blog posts. Newly minted PhDs are forgoing the tenure track for alternative academic careers that blur the lines between research, teaching, and service. Graduate students are looking beyond the categories of the traditional CV and building expansive professional identities and popular followings through social media. Educational technologists are “punking” established technology vendors by rolling out their own open source infrastructure. Here, in Hacking the Academy, Daniel J. Cohen and Tom Scheinfeldt have gathered a sampling of the answers to their initial questions from scores of engaged academics who care deeply about higher education. These are the responses from a wide array of scholars, presenting their thoughts and approaches with a vibrant intensity, as they explore and contribute to ongoing efforts to rebuild scholarly infrastructure for a new millennium.
ISBN: 9780472029471Publication Date: 2013-05-01
Digital Humanities was created by UB Libraries' 2018-2020 CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow, Heidi Dodson. It is currently maintained by Stacy Snyder. Guide content is licensed CC BY 4.0.