Electrical Engineering Research: Books & eBooks
Electronic book resources are provided below. To search for both print and electronic books, please use the UB Libraries Everything Search (click here to access). The Everything Search will search all 4 million+ print books available at UB, hundreds of thousands of ebooks, as well as all print books (not e-books) from all SUNY libraries.
You can also use the Everything Search to search books from all over the world using WorldCat. Change the dropdown menu next to the search box to "WorldCat" to search. For items UB does not own, you can request them using Delivery+ (click here for Delivery+). Delivery+ is a completely free service for UB faculty, staff, and students.
Major eBook Collections
- Knovel E-Books: Science and Engineering This link opens in a new windowFull-text of a thousand science and engineering handbooks with a focus on books containing numeric data. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
- AccessEngineering This link opens in a new windowEngineering handbooks and reference materials from McGraw Hill.More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- SPIE Digital Library This link opens in a new windowExtensive research database on optics and photonics research. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science This link opens in a new windowThe whole series is searchable, but full-text is from 1997-present only. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
- ProQuest Ebook Central This link opens in a new windowOver 200,000 authoritative ebooks at your fingertips. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
Synthesis eBooks
- Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science This link opens in a new windowFull-text access to 'born-digital' books in engineering and computer science. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
Open Textbooks
More and more open education resources (OERs) are being developed in engineering! The Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) has compiled a list of open textbooks in various areas of engineering. Use the link below view available open textbooks.
Citation Management Software
UB has a site license to EndNote, software that allows you to collect, store, organize, retrieve, and automatically format references to journal articles, books, patents, and more in your papers. For help using EndNote, visit the EndNote Basics Guide.

Zotero, an open-source citation management tool similar to EndNote, is also available. For help using Zotero, visit the Zotero Basics Guide.