Legal Databases by Subject: Local / Municipal Law
Local Law Databases
Multiple Jurisdictions
- American Legal Publishing’s Code Library This link opens in a new windowFull text municipal codes from selected jurisdictions across the United States. More InfoFull-Text PUBLIC
- eCode360 Library (General Code) This link opens in a new windowVillage, town, city and county codes from over 28 U.S. states. More InfoFull-Text PUBLIC
New York City
- New York City Charter and Administrative Code (NY Legislature)Click on "Laws" > "Laws of New York" then scroll to the bottom of the page for:
-New York City Administrative Code
-New York City Charter - New York City Charter, Administrative Code, and RulesCreated by WeGovNYC.
Additional NY Local Codes Available Online
More information
- Municipal Codes: A Beginner's Guide (Library of Congress)
This is a selective list. Other databases may include additional resources relevant to the topic.
Don't forget to also consult
"Key Legal Databases"
for your research!
Key to Symbols
UB ONLY - Restricted to current UB-affiliated students, faculty and staff.
LAW ONLY- Restricted to current LAW students and LAW faculty.
IN-HOUSE- Accessible only in designated location (UB library or building).
PUBLIC- Free resource on the Internet, available to everyone.
Lexis+ (UB law students only)
Westlaw Edge (UB law students only)
In-House (inside UB Law Library only)
Public (free on the Internet)
UB Only (UB credentials required)