Legal Databases by Subject: U.S. Presidency
U.S. Presidency Databases
This is a selective list. Other databases will include resources on the U.S. presidency.
- HeinOnline This link opens in a new windowSee these and other databases in HeinOnline:
U.S. Presidential Impeachment Library
U.S. Presidential Library
John F. Kennedy Assassination Collection
Pentagon Papers
More InfoUB ONLY
Don't forget to also consult
"Key Legal Databases"
for your research!
Key to Symbols
UB ONLY - Restricted to current UB-affiliated students, faculty and staff.
LAW ONLY- Restricted to current LAW students and LAW faculty.
IN-HOUSE- Accessible only in designated location (UB library or building).
PUBLIC- Free resource on the Internet, available to everyone.
Lexis+ (UB law students only)
Westlaw Edge (UB law students only)
In-House (inside UB Law Library only)
Public (free on the Internet)
UB Only (UB credentials required)