Planning: Community in Global Health Equity – grey literature review
- Academic Search Complete This link opens in a new windowcomprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, included peer-reviewed journals, monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc
Click on the ‘Choose databases’ link to add: - America: History and Life This link opens in a new windowindex of literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present
- Business Source Complete This link opens in a new windowleads to abstracts and selected full-text of articles from popular business magazines and peer-reviewed journals.
- EconLit This link opens in a new windowindexes scholarly literature in all fields of economics, including economic theory, production, welfare, growth, inflation, accounting, international trade, economic history, social indicators, capital markets, consumer finance, business credit, labor and demographics. Also includes books, dissertations, working papers, and articles from collective works such as annuals and yearbooks.
- GreenFILE This link opens in a new windowoffers well-researched but accessible information covering all aspects of human impact on the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles include content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what can be done on each level to minimize negative impact.
- SocINDEX This link opens in a new windowThe database covers sociology, criminology, social work, anthropology and other topics related to sociology. Access is provided to journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers, editorials and letters.
- Compendex (Engineering Index) This link opens in a new windowLeads to citations and abstracts, as well as selected full text, for journal articles, conference papers, and non-governmental technical reports. Indexes and abstracts over 2,600 publications in all areas of engineering and applied science.
also searches the following databases: - CQ Press Library This link opens in a new windowthe place to search or browse resources on American government, current affairs, history, politics, public policy, and data analysis for the social sciences.
-CQ Public Affairs Collection provides access to material on key public policy topics-
-CQ Researcher covers weekly in-depth original reporting on major, controversial issues with complete summaries and bibliographies
-CQ Weekly focuses primarily on legislative news and analysis - JSTOR This link opens in a new windowpresents the full text, in facsimile form, of the complete back files of important scholarly journals, generally from the first volume through issues published prior to the most recent three years. Current issues are generally not available.
- PAIS International Online This link opens in a new windowdatabase indexes journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, publications of international agencies, microfiche, and Internet material. All areas of the social sciences, but especially social and public policy are covered.
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new windowprovides title, author, and subject access to virtually every U.S. dissertation; the database also provides access to thousands of Canadian dissertations and U.S. master’s theses, and since 1988 selected access to British and European dissertations.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowleads to citations with bibliographical references for articles from over 8,000 journals, conference papers, books, book chapters, and chemical reactions.
Online Journals
Sage journals: keyword searching through all Sage journals
Journal of Planning Literature includes review articles and abstracts of recent literature in city and regional planning and design. A typical issue contains refereed literature reviews; a Council of Planning Librarians (CPL) Bibliography; abstracts of recent journal articles and dissertations; and bibliographic listings.
Urban Studies is the leading international journal for urban scholarship. Since its inception in 1964, the journal has remained at the forefront of intellectual and policy debates on the city, and has hosted ground-breaking contributions from across the full range of social science disciplines.
Useful Websites Track bills in Congress, your representative’s voting records, upcoming committee meetings, and get alerts by email.
Homeland Security Digital Library: collection of documents related to homeland security policy, strategy, and organizational management.
HSRProj (Health Services Research Projects in Progress): information about ongoing health services research and public health projects.
The Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) brings together scholars developing systematic indicators of issue attention within their nations’ political systems. The CAP extends the Policy Agendas Project topic system, originally developed for the United States, to other nations ( This system classifies events (e.g. bills, parliamentary questions, or media stories) for topic, making it possible to study the frequency of such events, and to enable scholars to find and investigate particular events in more detail. RAND’s research and analysis addresses issues that impact people around the world including security, health, education, sustainability, growth, and development. Much of this research is carried out on behalf of public and private grantors and clients.
Grey Literature
Grey literature is produced by government agencies, corporations, universities, research centers, associations, and societies. Some forms of grey literature: technical reports, fact sheets, standards, patents, committee reports, business documents, association’s or society’s newsletters, conference proceedings, government documents and reports, working papers, and white papers.
-AACODS checklist for evaluating grey literature
Books on policy
Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy by
Call Number: Lockwood Library Reference: JK9 .E526 2004ISBN: 0816047995Publication Date: 2003-11-01This text provides A-Z entries on critical concepts, personalities, events and topics in public administration. It is aimed at students of political science, government and civics as well as a general audience desiring basic knowledge of public administration.Handbook of Research on Urban Politics and Policy in the United States by
Call Number: APL: HT110 .H36 1997ISBN: 0313291667Publication Date: 1997-01-21A comprehensive reference work which provides a way to access research on urban politics and policy in the United States. Experts in the field guide readers through major controversies, while evaluating and assessing the subfields of urban politics and policy. Each chapter follows the same basic organization with topics such as methodological and theoretical issues, current states of the field, and directions for future research. For students, this work provides a starting place to guide them to the most important works in a particular subfield and a context to place their work in a larger body of knowledge. For scholars, it serves as a reference work for immediately familiarity with subfields of the discipline, including classic studies and major research questions. For urban policymakers or analysts, the handbook provides a wealth of information and allows quick identification of existing academic knowledge and research relevant to the problem at hand.

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