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Planning: Planning Resources Overview

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025 9:02 AM

Key Library Links:

  • OneSearch – to locate any item that is available in our libraries, including books, journals, newspapers, and audio/visual materials. Refine your search by using the links below the search bar: Books, Articles, Journals, Video/Films, Newspaper articles
  • Course Reserve: a collection of books or articles (pdfs) set aside at the Circulation Desk by your instructor.
  • Databases A-Z: Databases contain full-text articles or citations to articles published in academic journals, magazines and newspapers.
  • Top Planning Databases - A curated list of planning research databases
  • Research Tips – an online guide designed to help you perform research at the University at Buffalo’s University Libraries, includes citation help. Center for Excellence in Writing- 17 Norton.
  • My Account & Delivery+ –  use for book renewal and interlibrary loan. Journal articles and book chapters are delivered electronically to your email and physical items are made available for pick-up at the UB library of your choice. (free of charge)

Borrowing/Loan Periods: Your UB Card serves as your library card. Current UB students, faculty and staff may use their cards to check out books and other materials at any campus library.

UB Print Anywhere: UB students receive a semesterly quota of free pages to print assignments at any of 40 print station kiosks. Learn how to easily print your assignments from any computer, a computing site, your smartphone, a USB drive and more.

Best Starting Points:

Background info:

Gale Virtual Reference Library - includes subject encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference works in broad subject areas, including issues related to planning.

Oxford Handbooks Online - a collection of Oxford Handbooks in four subject modules - Business and Management; Philosophy; Political Science; and Religion. Each handbook takes an aspect of its discipline and unpacks it, explaining the key issues, the classic and contemporary debates on those issues, and setting the agenda for how those debates might evolve.

Best Basic Resources Guide (created by UB Libraries)

Useful Books:


ArcGIS Desktop allows you to create maps, perform spatial analysis, and manage data. You can import multiple data formats and use powerful analytical tools and workflows to identify spatial patterns, trends, and non-obvious relationships.

UB affiliates are eligible for a free UB ArcGIS Online account, provided by the College of Arts and Sciences.

This includes a license for ArcGIS Pro, which can be installed on personal or UB-owned computers. Additional Esri software/apps are available -- ArcGIS StoryMaps, ArcGIS Urban, ArcGIS CityEngine, ArcGIS Business Analyst, ArcGIS GeoPlanner, ArcGIS Insights, and ArcGIS Tracker.

Once you have an organizational account, you can download the ArcGIS Pro installer here. Select Licenses from the left.

Existing ArcGIS Online users can log in here:  Map Gallery for University at Buffalo, College of Arts and Sciences

Statistical Information & Maps:


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Rose Orcutt
Architecture & Planning Library
303 Abbott Hall
Buffalo, NY 14214