Planning: Affordable Housing Library Resources
Affordable and Social Housing by
Call Number: Law General Collection ; HD7333 .A3 R358 2014Affordable and Social Housing - Policy and Practice is a candid and critical appraisal of current big-ticket issues affecting the planning, development and management of affordable and social housing in the United Kingdom. The successor to the second edition of the established textbook An Introduction to Social Housing, the book includes new chapters, reflecting the focal importance of customer involvement and empowerment, regeneration and the Localism agenda which will have radical impacts on housing provision and tenure, as well as the town and country planning system which enables its development. There is also a new chapter on Housing Law in response to demand for a clear and signposting exposition of this often complex area. Reeves indicates how each theme affects the other, and suggests policy directions on the basis of past successes and failures. Paul Reeves takes a people-centred approach to the subject, describing the themes that have run through provision of social housing from the first philanthropic industrialists in the 19th Century though to the increasingly complex mixture of ownerships and tenures in the present day. The book is ideal for students of housing and social policy, and for housing professionals aiming to obtain qualifications and wanting a broad understanding of the social housing sector.Community Economic Development in the United States by
Call Number: EbookThis is the first scholarly analysis that examines the development and achievements of the American community development movement. Community development is now a multi-billion industry in the US. Hundreds of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), located in all regions of the country, have successfully forged locally-based strategies that provide affordable housing, foster business development, and provide much needed community facilities, including innumerable charter schools, in highly distressed communities in inner city neighborhoods, rural communities, and also in American Indian areas. In many areas of the US, CDFIs represent a viable alternative to the mainstream banking industry. This volume documents the positive impact the CDFI industry has had in distressed urban and rural areas in the US.Fair and Affordable Housing in the U. S. by
Call Number: EbookU.S. fair and affordable housing policy has been constrained by neoliberal ideologies that emphasize market-based approaches to program implementation. Public policy aimed at ameliorating housing discrimination and expanding access to housing markets for minorities and the poor has remained underdeveloped, underfunded, and poorly implemented. This edited book adds to our understanding of the trends, outcomes and future directions of fair and affordable housing policy. It is divided into four parts, examining issues of interest to housing scholars and practitioners. Sections include discussions of: fair housing policy, affordable housing finance, equitable approaches to land use, rent vouchers, and homeownership policy. Contributors to the edited volume include experts from the fields of political science, public policy, urban planning, sociology, and social work.The Geography of Opportunity by
Call Number: EbookA popular version of history trumpets the United States as a diverse "nation of immigrants," welcome to all. The truth, however, is that local communities have a long history of ambivalence toward new arrivals and minorities. Persistent patterns of segregation by race and income still exist in housing and schools, along with a growing emphasis on rapid metropolitan development (sprawl) that encourages upwardly mobile families to abandon older communities and their problems. This dual pattern is becoming increasingly important as America grows more diverse than ever and economic inequality increases. Two recent trends compel new attention to these issues. First, the geography of race and class represents a crucial litmus test for the new "regionalism" -the political movement to address the linked fortunes of cities and suburbs. Second, housing has all but disappeared as a major social policy issue over the past two decades. This timely book shows how unequal housing choices and sprawling development create an unequal geography of opportunity. It emerges from a project sponsored by the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University in collaboration with the Joint Center for Housing Studies and the Brookings Institution. The contributors -policy analysts, political observers, social scientists, and urban planners -document key patterns, their consequences, and how we can respond, taking a hard look at both successes and failures of the past. Place still matters, perhaps more than ever. High levels of segregation shape education and job opportunity, crime and insecurity, and long-term economic prospects. These problems cannot be addressed effectively if society assumes that segregation will take care of itself. Contributors include William Apgar (Harvard University), Judith Bell (PolicyLink), Angela Glover Blackwell (PolicyLink), Allegra Calder (Harvard), Karen Chapple (Cal-Berkeley), Camille Charles (Penn), Mary Cunningham (Urban Institute), Casey Dawkins (Virginia Tech), Stephanie DeLuca (Johns Hopkins), John Goering (CUNY), Edward Goetz (U. of Minnesota), Bruce Katz (Brookings), Barbara Lukermann (U. of Minnesota), Gerrit Knaap (U. of Maryland), Arthur Nelson (Virginia Tech), Rolf Pendall (Cornell), Susan J. Popkin (Urban Institute), James Rosenbaum (Northwestern), Stephen L. Ross (U. of Connecticut), Mara Sidney (Rutgers), Phillip Tegeler (Poverty and Race Research Action Council), Tammy Tuck (Northwestern), Margery Austin Turner (Urban Institute), William Julius Wilson (Harvard).Gray to Green Communities by
Call Number: EbookUS cities are faced with the joint challenge of our climate crisis and the lack of housing that is affordable and healthy. Our housing stock contributes significantly to the changing climate, with residential buildings accounting for 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. US housing is not only unhealthy for the planet, it is putting the physical and financial health of residents at risk. Our housing system means that a renter working 40 hours a week and earning minimum wage cannot afford a two-bedroom apartment in any US county. In Gray to Green Communities, green affordable housing expert Dana Bourland argues that we need to move away from a gray housing model to a green model, which considers the health and well-being of residents, their communities, and the planet. She demonstrates that we do not have to choose between protecting our planet and providing housing affordable to all. Bourland draws from her experience leading the Green Communities Program at Enterprise Community Partners, a national community development intermediary. Her work resulted in the first standard for green affordable housing which was designed to deliver measurable health, economic, and environmental benefits. The book opens with the potential of green affordable housing, followed by the problems that it is helping to solve, challenges in the approach that need to be overcome, and recommendations for the future of green affordable housing. Gray to Green Communities brings together the stories of those who benefit from living in green affordable housing and examples of Green Communities' developments from across the country. Bourland posits that over the next decade we can deliver on the human right to housing while reaching a level of carbon emissions reductions agreed upon by scientists and demanded by youth. Gray to Green Communities will empower and inspire anyone interested in the future of housing and our planet.Housing Policy in the United States by
Call Number: EbookThe fourth edition of Housing Policy in the United States refreshes its classic, foundational coverage of the field with new data, analysis, and comparative focus. This landmark volume offers a broad overview that synthesizes a wide range of material to highlight the significant problems, concepts, programs and debates that all defi ne the aims, challenges, and milestones within and involving housing policy. Expanded discussion in this edition centers on state and local activity to produce and preserve affordable housing, the impact and the implications of reduced financial incentives for homeowners. Other features of this new edition include: * Analysis of the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 on housing- related tax expenditures; * Review of the state of fair housing programs in the wake of the Trump Administration's rollback of several key programs and policies; * Cross- examination of U.S. housing policy and conditions in an international context. Featuring the latest available data on housing patterns and conditions, this is an excellent companion for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses in urban studies, urban planning, sociology and social policy, and housing policy.Under Pressure by
Call Number: APL: HD7287 .U353 2022Under Pressure is about instigation and design in urban housing. Urban housing is a bellwether for economic, social, and political change. It varies widely in quality, typology, and audience and lies between the formal systems of urban infrastructure and the informal systems of daily life. Housing's complexity offers unique and exciting opportunities to architects. Its entwinement with private equity and public agencies presents important challenges amplified by urbanization. This book gathers and contextualizes relevant conversations in urban housing unfolding today across architecture through four topics: Learning from History, Changing Domesticities, Housing Finance and Policy, and Design and Material Innovation. The result is a multi-disciplinary amalgam of research and design intelligence from thought leaders in the fields of architecture, real estate, economics, policy, material design, and finance.
Article Searching
- A+T Online Library This link opens in a new windowThe digital collection of A+T Architecture Publishers, consisting of monographs and series on design, architecture, and other topics related to the built environment.More InfoFull-TextUB ONLY
- Academic Search Complete This link opens in a new windowComprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- BuildingGreen This link opens in a new windowBuildingGreen helps architects, designers and other sustainability professionals make their projects greener and healthier. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
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- Environment Complete This link opens in a new windowDeep coverage in environmental studies. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
- HeinOnline This link opens in a new windowSubject access to full-text articles on a wide variety of law-related topics appearing in over 700 legal journals and periodicals. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- OneSearch This link opens in a new windowOneSearch is your ultimate companion for navigating the vast universe of information within the library's collections, including UB, SUNY, and CUNY materials. OneSearch consolidates your research searching needs into a single, user-friendly interface; whether you seek scholarly articles, literary works, authoritative databases, or other academic resources, OneSearch is your one-stop destination. More InfoUB ONLY
- Social Sciences Full Text This link opens in a new windowSocial science journals. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- urbanNext Lexicon This link opens in a new windowBooks and journals from the publisher Actar Publishing focusing on architecture and urban design. Topics include city design, energy and sustainability, technology, territory and mobility, and economics.More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowOne-pass searching of Web of Science citation indexes, BIOSIS Citation Index, Derwent Innovations Index, MEDLINE and more. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
Statistical Databases
- Social Explorer This link opens in a new windowDemographic information about the United States including historical data back to 1790. More InfoData UB ONLY
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