Basic Research Tools: E-Books
What is an E-Book?
An E-book is a book (full-text) in digital format. E-books at UB can be read on any computer or laptop. A special device (like Kindle or SONY Reader) is NOT needed.
E-books are produced by governments, organizations, companies, educational organizations, or they are books made available through a commercial publisher or database.
Can I download an E-Book to my tablet or smartphone?
It is possible to download some E-Books to a device.
See Selected Downloadable "E-Book" Collections for guidance.
Study Aids Online
- West Study Aids databaseOnline access to more than 500 study aids including case briefs, outlines, overviews and exam prep titles. Series include:
Acing Series
Black Letter Outlines
Career Guides
Concepts and Insights
Concise Hornbook Series
Exam Pro Series
Flash Cards
Gilbert Law Summaries
High Court Case Summaries
Law School Legends Audio Series
Law Stories
Quick Reviews
Short & Happy Guides
Sum and Substance Audio
Can I Find E-Books Using the UB Catalog?
Some of the commercial databases whose E-books are findable through the UB Catalog include:
- Bloomberg BNA - legal looseleaf services & other publications
- Early American Imprints I
- ECCO - Eighteenth Century Collections Online – Law Module
- Gale Virtual Reference Library (includes many encyclopedias)
- Hathi Trust Digital Library
- HeinOnline -American Indian Law Collection, New York Legal Research Library, Legal Classics Library, and others (but not all)
- LEXIS Treatises (available to law students & faculty only)
- LLMC Digital
- Oxford Scholarship Online - Law Collection(only some show up in the UB Catalog due to updating schedule)
- ProQuest Congressional - Congressional documents in pdf format
- Westlaw Treatises (available to law students & faculty only)
Note: The Libraries' Catalog may not completely represent the E-Books in these databases at any given time-- the databases are continually updated, and the Catalog records do not appear in the Online Catalog immediately.
Do all E-books in UB databases show up in the Libraries' Catalog?
No. There are some databases at UB whose E-Books are not findable in the UB Catalog at this point in time. They include:
- AILA Link (immigration law resources)
- Early English Books Online
- HeinOnline - Selected materials not included in our Online Catalog
So, it is necessary to search these databases separately to discover the E-Books they contain.
Additional EBooks available at UB (but not all) may be found using the Discovery Tool, "Everything":
Everything Search (locate books, e-books, articles, and more)
Free E-Book Sources & Search Engines
Are there other E-book resources?
YES! For the some of the resources listed above, you need to be affiliated with UB to access the E-books. But there are MANY additional E-book resources that are FREE to anyone, from anywhere! They include:
- Google Book Search
- Internet Archive (texts & E-books)
- E-Books on the Web MultiSearcher (searches multiple E-book sources with one search)
Subject Guide
O'Brian Hall (North Campus)
SUNY Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260