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Maps & Cartography: Notable Map Collections

Last Updated: May 13, 2024 2:26 PM

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The Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) of American Library Association (ALA) has created the Online Guide to U.S. Map Collections. This map is continuously updated. 

Use this map to:

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  • Find map libraries near where you live, work or go to school
  • Find map libraries specializing in a specific geographic region
  • Find map libraries to visit on vacation! 

Map Collections in the World (Selection)

  • University at Buffalo Map Collection. On the collection, and: resources, maps and charts, links to local government and other map and geography sources, GIS, as well as special pages: Buffalo, New York Neighborhoods Map , Buffalo, NY in Maps and others.
  • Afriterra. Cartographic library assembling and preserving original rare maps of Africa.
  • Alabama Maps (University of Alabama). Maps covering world, countries, states. Maps include: outline, historical, current, in pdf, jpeg, and Mr. Sid. Has: Historical Map Index; Contemporary Map Index.
  • American Geographical Society Digital Map Collection (American Geographical Society Library). Historic and rare maps, ranging from early maps of Asia to historical maps of Wisconsin and Milwaukee, and other American cities, states, and national parks. The main library site leads to more map collections.
  • American Memory Map Collections (Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress). Includes historic and other maps, with a variety of search indexes.
  • Arctic and North Polar Region Maps (Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks). Collection of published and manuscript maps from the 19th century on.