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Maps & Cartography: World Maps

Last Updated: Feb 24, 2025 3:41 PM

World Maps

World Maps

  • Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection (University of Texas at Austin). Digitized collection (3,000+) of historic and contemporary maps. Many maps are U.S. government originals and may be downloaded and used without copyright restrictions. The main map arrangement is by continent, further broken down into regional and city maps, among other categories. To jump to the starting point for maps by continent use the following links:
  • United Nations Cartographic Department Map Collection. Excellent source for maps of many countries and regions of the World. Emphasis on maps for mission-specific countries.
  • Maps of the World (One World, Nations Online). Good, clear maps of the World, continents, countries, etc. Also includes geographic and basic statistical data.
  • Mapping Globalization (Princeton, Univ. of Washington, UCLA).Globalization maps, texts, and geodata. Website goal: empirical work on globalization as widely accessible as possible. Contains an expanding set of resources for students, instructors, and researchers, and provides a forum for empirical research on globalization. Especially adding raw data and in the visualization of such data, including maps and animations.
  • World Political Maps. (Holt Rinehart and Winston). Simple maps of each continent and country.
  • World Sites Atlas. Interactive maps allow you to choose simple political and physical maps of countries, states, and provinces, along with basic geographical information.. Site links to geographical data and photos of chosen regions or locations. 
  • Map Library. Source of public domain basic map data concerning administrative boundaries in developing countries. The data is broken down into manageable chunks to make it easier to download. Has image files and ESRI-GIS useable files. Current coverage: Africa, Central America.
  • Relief Maps (Sadalmelik). Maps of countries in: Africa, Asia, Central & South America, Indonesia (some main islands), various Pacific islands and island groups, among others.
  • Maps From ReliefWeb. Good, clear maps of major trouble spots, areas where relief operations are taking place. Gives current names of cities and towns, and shows boundaries of neighboring countries.
  • Landsat Image Mosaic Of Antarctica (LIMA). USGS, NASA, NSF, and British Antarctic Survey site providing detailed images of the continent. Also has Educational Resources, including tours of Antarctica Research Stations.

Selected Country Maps


  • AfricaMap (Harvard). Web mapping tool for viewing and creating an impressive number of datasets on an Africa basemap, including religion, slave trade, ethnicity and other historical maps. 
  • Afriterra. Cartographic library assembling and preserving original rare maps of Africa.
  • Data Africa. Interactive map viewer allowing users to visualize open source data related to agriculture, climate, poverty and health. 




Middle East

North America (Canada and Mexico)