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OneSearch and Search Tips: Getting Started

Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 1:58 PM

Welcome to OneSearch at UB Libraries

Learn how to find and use library materials at UB, SUNY, and beyond with OneSearch

What Am I Searching?

OneSearch includes physical materials held by UB and SUNY, most online materials held by UB, and selected materials from local UB digital and special collections.

To search only for materials held by UB Libraries, select UB Libraries Catalog only instead of OneSearch. To search only for physical materials held in UB Libraries, select the "Held in UB Libraries" filter after searching.

To search within specific types of materials, select one of the options under the Simple Search bar or use Advanced Search.

Select a filter after searching to focus in on:

  • Availability: online, peer-reviewed, open access
  • Dates of publication
  • Content type, including Books, Articles, Newspaper Articles, and more
    Note: Newspaper Articles will be displayed as separate search results
  • Author, Subject, Language, and other descriptors
  • Libraries and locations -- physical or online (including electronic Collection/Database)
  • UB Libraries digital, special, and highlighted collections (Repository. Data Source, and Collection Spotlights)

You can run additional searches with the same filters by selecting "Remember all filters".  With the filters "remembered", you can then "Save query" to remember and reuse these settings in the future. Then remember to "Reset filters" when you're ready to expand your searches again!

To include additional materials from libraries around the world in your search, select OneSearch + WorldCat in the search box.  You can also send a search from OneSearch to WorldCat, for more focused searching in these materials.

Where to search for what
  Physical &
Selected Online
Materials at UB
Online Materials --
including articles, ebooks,
and streaming media --
held by UB
Physical Materials
at any
SUNY Library
Physical Materials
held in libraries
around the world
OneSearch X X X
UB Libraries
Catalog only
+ WorldCat


OneSearch User Menu

The OneSearch user menu allows you to:

  1. Copy the page or search URL or use your phone to scan a QR code for the page or search URL.
  2.  Go to My Favorites, including Saved Records, Saved Searches, and Search History.
  3. Select from different helpful links, including Search Tips and Videos.
  4. Login and continue searching OneSearch.
  5. Display the menu of My Account options - more options are displayed when you are logged in.
    When you are logged in, your name will display instead of "menu" -- this is where you find the option to Logout.
  6. Login and view My Account details, including Loans, Requests, Personal Details and Settings.

Logging In

Log in from the upper right menu on the Library search page.

Why Should I Log In?

  • Access your account to view what you currently have checked out
  • Request or renew items
  • View full search results
  • Save items from your results list and searches you have performed for future use
  • Set preferences to reflect the way you usually search and save them for future sessions
  • Export citations to Endnote and Zotero

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