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OneSearch and Search Tips: Advanced Searching

Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 1:58 PM

Phrase Searching

You can often get better results if you search for a phrase by typing quotation marks around the phrase. You can also combine both words and phrases in your search.

For example:

"heavy metals" AND industry

Note: If you do not enclose the phrase with quotation marks, Everything will find items that contain the individual words in the phrase, regardless of whether these words are located next to each other in the order specified.

Boolean Operators

Boolean searches, depending on how they are written, can either limit or expand your search.

Be sure to use ALL CAPS

  • AND – retrieves results that have all the specified terms. So a search for apples AND oranges will only retrieve results that have apples and oranges in the results. It is a useful way to narrow your search.  
  • OR – retrieves results with at least one of the search terms. So a search for Cape Verde OR Cabo Verde will retrieve results that include either the terms Cape Verde or the terms Cabo Verde or both .  It is a useful way to search for related terms or synonyms.
  • NOT – excludes any search results that includes the specified term. It is most useful to use NOT when trying to eliminate irrelevant results.  For example, if you’re pulling up a lot of book reviews when looking for articles about the Game of Thrones, you might search for Game of Thrones NOT book review.


Use this wildcard symbol (?) within a word to find single letter variations
e.g. wom?n - will find women and woman

Use the wildcard or truncation symbol (*) to find alternative word endings
e.g. mine* will find mines, miner, mineralogy, minerals...